昨天晚上隨意轉台,看到東森洋片台正在重播之前看過的《Wanted》( 台譯:刺客聯盟 ),片中安潔莉娜裘莉正帶著男主角飛車逃避追殺,當時就出現了這首《Escape (The Piña Colada Song)》。

其實這是一首滿有趣及發人深省的歌曲。內容敘說主角的這位男子和老婆在一起久了,感到生活太規律化而覺得無趣。有一天躺在床上看報紙,看到了某位女士刊登的一則小啟事,在幾項小條件中,包含假使也喜歡喝雞尾酒 Piña Colada ( 鳳梨 可樂達 ) 的話,她就是你正在尋找的愛人,可以寫信給她。在好奇心的驅使下,這位老兄回了這則啟事,並約女士在一家小酒館見面。等這位老兄懷著色慾之心去到酒館,發現這位女士竟是他的老婆。

Piña Colada 。有人喝過嗎?據Rupert Holmes說,味道像是在喝止瀉藥水 ( Kaopectate )。
寫這首歌的是美國歌手兼作曲家Rupert Holmes,原本只是一年多前的自娛之作,後因出專輯《 Partners in Crime》,覺得要有首節奏快一些的歌來平衡一下,才正式錄唱收錄於專輯中。此曲於1979年底登上告示牌熱門榜的冠軍寶座,也等於是70年代最後一首的冠軍曲。
歌曲紅了,Rupert Holmes卻是喜憂參半。雖然此曲使得他名利雙收,卻也由於大眾過於聚焦,疏忽了他其它的音樂相關作品,因而懊惱不已。而此曲也確成為了Rupert Holmes最具知名的代表作。
有人問Rupert Holmes,這首歌曲的結局如何?Holmes說,這位老兄和老婆在酒館見了面,才發現彼此有許多共同的喜好,卻各自埋藏在內心深處,也才體會到夫妻間溝通的重要,當然是個快樂的結局。目前網路聊天室盛行,不要哪天發現情話連篇的對象竟是自己的另一半,那可能就真的是沒救了。呵呵!
I was tired of my lady, we'd been together too long
Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song
So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed
And in the personals column, there was this letter I read
"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me, and escape"
I didn't think about my lady, I know that sounds kind of mean
But me and my old lady, had fallen into the same old dull routine
So I wrote to the paper, took out a personal ad
And though I'm nobody's poet, I thought it wasn't half bad
"Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape
At a bar called O'Malley's, where we'll plan our escape"
So I waited with high hopes, then she walked in the place
I knew her smile in an instant, I knew the curve of her face
It was my own lovely lady, and she said, "Oh, it's you"
And we laughed for a moment, and I said, "I never knew"
"That you liked Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
And the feel of the ocean, and the taste of champagne
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
You're the love that I've looked for, come with me, and escape"
"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for, come with me, and escape"