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老歌亂談(504)Kiss You All Over

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1963年,美國肯塔基州Richomnd的幾個高中生組成了The Exiles樂團,開始時是在當地的俱樂部演唱,後也隨著明星作秀團在地區巡迴演出,作為暖場樂隊及配合歌手合音。1973,將團名縮短為「Exile」。Exile這個字的名詞是「流放者」、「流亡者」等的意思。據樂團團長J.P. Prnnington說,當時取此團名,是因為1959年卡斯楚取得政權後,許多古巴人搭船逃往美國、墨西哥等國家,而在新聞上常常看見這個字。又,由於他們蓄留著長髮,感覺受到一些社會的排斥,和這些「流亡者」其實也滿像的......。

此曲為英國的暢銷曲作家組合Mike Chapman和Nicky Chinn所寫,並主動找上Exile來錄唱發行。1979,《Kiss You All Over》奪得告示牌熱門榜的第1名,隨後雖然也有兩首歌曲入榜 ( # 40 / # 88 ),卻是Exile在熱門榜唯一的一首冠軍曲。

或許由於忽然帶來的高名氣,此曲的主唱Jimmy Stokley於1979離開樂團,迫使樂團另覓新主唱,卻也因此開始轉型為鄉村樂團。從1983至1990,Exile共有包含《Woke Up In Love》等十首鄉村冠軍曲。原主唱Jimmy Stokley離團後,身體健康每況愈下,1985死於肝炎併發症,也有說是毒品害了他,僅享年41歲。

Jimmy Stokley

此曲曾出現在1996的電影《Happy Gilmore》 ( 台譯:高爾夫球也瘋狂 )、1999《Man on the Moon》( 台譯:月亮上的男人 ) 和2006的《Employee of the Month》( 台譯:愛上明星店員 )。甚至在《Employee of the Month》中,聽完這首歌後,劇中人物還相互討論。← ( 以上三片台長均未看過 )

2010年,Billboard公布了一份「The 50 Sexiest ( 最性感?最催情?) Songs Of All Time」,排名第一的是Olivia Newton-John的《Physical》,此首《 Kiss You All Over》則排名第九。

When I get home, babe, gonna light your fire
All day I've been thinkin' about you, babe
You're my one desire

Gonna wrap my arms around you
Hold you close to me
Oh, babe I want to taste your lips
I want to fill your fantasy, yeah

I don't what I'd do without you, babe
Don't know where I'd be
You're not just another lover
No, you're everything to me

Ev'rytime I'm with you, baby
I can't believe it's true
When you're layin' in my arms
'n' you do the things you do

You can see it in my eyes
I can feel it in your touch
You don't have to say a thing
Just let me show how much
I love you, need you, oh babe

I want to kiss you all over
And over again
I want to kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in

No one else can ever make me
Feel the way you do
Oh, so keep on loving me baby
And I'll keep loving you
Well it's easy to see
When something's right or something's wrong
So stay with me baby and hold me all night long

Show me, show me everything you do
'Cause baby no one does it quite like you
I love you, need you, oh babe

I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in

Stay with me, lay with me
Holding me, loving me, baby
Here with me, near with me
Feeling you close to me, baby

Show me, show me everything you do
'Cause baby no one does it quite like you
Love you, need you, oh yea

I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in

Till the night closes in
Wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in

When I get home, baby
Gonna light your fire

台長: 流浪阿狗
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