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2020-12-31 16:20:53| 人氣1,674| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(1026)Telling Me Lies

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此曲為兩位英國女歌手Linda Thompson與Betsy Cook ( 美裔 ) 共同合寫,後收錄在Thompson 1985的個人專輯《One Clear Moment》中。此前,Thompson因赴美國洛杉磯巡演,暫住朋友Linda Ronstadt的家中,或是由於這層關係,Ronstadt後來和Emmylou Harris、Dolly Parton在1987合出了一張錄音室專輯《trio》,此首《Telling Me Lies》被三人翻唱並作為專輯的第2首單曲發行。有了三位大牌歌手的加持,此曲打進了鄉村排行榜獲得第3名,同時也因該版本,使得兩位作者在1988獲得了葛萊美獎「年度最佳鄉村歌曲」的提名。

此曲大意是女方識破了男友的謊言,毅然決定「停損」分手。看電視新聞,常有與國際愛情騙子網路交往並被編織理由要求匯款,警方獲知前來勸阻,其中不乏有高級知識份子,甚至有人反嗆,就算是真的被騙個幾千美金也沒關係 ( 呵呵,愛情的魔力真大。 )。像這類女性恐要被騙到「床頭金盡」「情緣難續」,才會幡然悔悟吧!

先聽來自喬治亞州士麥那 ( Smyrna ) 的兩代 ( 父女 ) 樂團Foxes and Fossils的版本。


原唱Linda Thompson的版本 ( Trio的版本因音效不佳,就不貼了。)


They say a woman's a fool for weeping
A fool to break her own heart
But I can't hold the secret I'm keeping
I'm breaking apart
Can't seem to mind my own business
Whatever I try turns out wrong
I seem like my own false witness
And I can't go on
I cover my ears I close my eyes
Still hear your voice and it's telling me lies
Telling me lies
You told me you needed my company
And I believed in your flattering ways
Told me you needed me forever
Nearly gave you the rest of my days
Should've seen you for what you are
Should never have come back for more
Should've locked up all my silver
Brought the key back to your door
I cover my ears I close my eyes
Still hear your voice and it's telling me lies
Telling me lies
You don't know what a chance is
Until you have to seize one
You don't know what a man is
Until you have to please one
Don't put your life in the hands of a man
With a face for every season
Don't waste your time in the arms of a man
Who's no stranger to treason
I cover my ears I close my eyes
Still hear your voice and it's telling me lies
Telling me lies
I cover my ears I close my eyes
Still hear your voice and it's telling me lies
I cover my ears I close my eyes
Still hear your voice and it's telling me lies

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1027)The Shelter of Your Eyes
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1025)Born a Woman

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