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老歌亂談(641)The Last Time

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此曲為英國滾石樂團的主唱Mick Jagger和吉他手Keith Richards共同所寫,1965奪得英國排行榜的第1名,也是滾石樂團在英國的第3首冠軍曲。在美國的熱門榜則為第9名。

講是此曲為Jagger和Richards所作,但和美國家庭合唱團體The Staple Singers在1958所發行的福音歌曲《This May be the Last Time》,由歌名和歌詞中的「I Don't Know」,就被The Staple Singers的歌迷認為是剽竊,但原曲是來自於流傳的黑奴歌曲,也難認定真正的版權該屬於誰。2003,Richards終於承認,他們的確有參考了該曲,但重新調整為搖滾曲風及加上貫穿全曲的吉他主奏。也有許多人相信,由於有使用到歌詞,滾石樂團私下付給了The Staple Singers一筆錢。

滾石樂團自1962成立,基本上都是翻唱他人的歌曲,此曲為自寫歌曲的初試啼聲,應該是有摸到了訣竅,未過幾個月就再推出了真正流行國際的成名曲《(I Can't Get No ) Satisfaction》。

1965,Andrew Oldham Orchestra將此曲改編為演奏版本,收錄在其專輯《The Rolling Stones Songbook》中。1997,The Verve樂團一首名為《Bitter Sweet Symphony》的歌曲,就是使用了此演奏版的音樂,滾石之前的經理Allen Klein,擁有《The Last Time》的版權,也因此得到一些延伸的版權費。

Well I told you once and I told you twice
But ya never listen to my advice
You don't try very hard to please me
With what you know it should be easy

Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know, oh no, oh no

Well, I'm sorry girl but I can't stay
Feelin' like I do today
It's too much pain and too much sorrow
Guess I'll feel the same tomorrow

Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know, oh no, oh no

Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know, oh no, oh no

Well I told you once and I told you twice
That someone will have to pay the price
But here's a chance to change your mind
'Cause I'll be gone a long, long time

Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know, oh no, oh no

Last time baby
To say no more
Baby I don't know
Well I don't know
Well, I don't know
I don't know
Well, I don't know
Well, I don't know

台長: 流浪阿狗
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