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2020-03-06 11:39:34| 人氣1,563| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(973)Tired of Toein' the Line

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此首《Tired of Toein' the Line》為美國搖滾歌手Rocky Burnette與另位Ron Coleman老兄所合寫,並由自己錄唱發行。1979年底,此曲先是出現在英國排行榜,獲得第75名。緊接著1980在美國發行,打進告示牌熱門排行榜第8名,並成為國際暢銷曲,但也是Rocky Burnette唯一的一首熱門曲。

Rocky 的父親Johnny Burnette也是位搖滾歌手,其在排行榜成績最佳的歌曲,是在1960推出的一首《You're Sixteen》,也同樣是第8名,難不成這個數字「8」成為了Burnette家族無法突破的魔咒?

Toe的中文是「腳趾」,Toe the Line是「踮著腳尖在一條線上走」,此俚語當然不能照字面譯,而是有「循規蹈矩」「依令行事」之意。在男女交往相處的過程中,常會聽到女方的要求限制多且嚴厲 ( 有許多還是婚後才變的 ),久之,男人當然會忍受不下去,落跑也是理所當然的結果。

Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Don't know why you wanna jump on me
Baby, baby, baby, you're makin' me cry
Baby I
I'm gonna find myself someone new
Someone who will be true
And no more toein' the line
I know it's over, because
I see the signs
Don't let me waste your precious time
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
If you want to get rid of me
Baby, baby, baby, you're doin' fine
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
I'm gonna put on my walkin' shoes
And leave you far behind
You're rollin' over
And over so refined
But you can't fix this broken heart of mine
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Don't know why you wanna jump on me
Baby, baby, baby, you're makin' me cry
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Don't know why you wanna jump on me
Baby, baby, baby, you're makin' me cry
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line
Baby I'm
Tired of toein' the line

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(974)Short Change Hero
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(972)Baby Hold On

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