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老歌亂談(705)The Hurtin's All Over

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此曲為美國鄉村女歌手Connie Smith於1966所推出的單曲,在告示牌鄉村單曲排行榜獲得第3名。Connie Smith有20首進入排行榜前10名的單曲,31張入榜的專輯中有3張獲得冠軍。雖然也獲得像是Billboard Magazine、Cash Box等諸多的音樂獎項,而前後11次被提名葛萊美獎,卻遺憾地均未能獲獎。

儘管Connie Smith在音樂事業上已相當的成功,而仍被許多樂評認為她和Loretta Lynn、Dolly Parton、Tammy Wynette這些女歌手一樣,由於在非鄉村音樂市場的被忽略,而使得她們的成就被低估了。同為鄉村歌手的Dolly Parton和George Jones都曾指出,Connie Smith在歌唱業界是最佳的、同時也是他們最喜歡的歌手之一。而Connie Smith她自己,在許多場合都說過她最欣賞的鄉村女歌手是Loretta Lynn。另,Nashville的電台DJ---Eddie Stubbs還替Connie Smith取了個綽號,說她是「鄉村歌手中的勞斯萊斯 (The Rolls-Royce of Country Singers )」。

自1961至90年代前期,Connie Smith共結過三次婚 ( 前後生了2個兒子3個女兒 ),當第3次婚姻結束時,Smith說她應該不會再婚了。豈知在1996遇到了小她17歲的鄉村音樂人兼歌手的帥哥Marty Stuart,當時Marty Stuart在替Smith的新專輯寫歌,倆人約會一年後於1977結婚迄今。其實在Marty Stuart 12歲時,Connie Smith曾去到他的家鄉演唱,當天Marty Stuart告訴他的母親,說他長大後有一天要娶Connie Smith為妻。許多人對喜歡的藝人偶像都有憧憬幻想,但又有幾人能美夢成真呢?!

Marty and Connie Smith marry on July 8,1997

歌詞中---「Father time did his part, took the hurt out of my heart.」,Father time的意思是「時光老人」,是一種擬人化的說法。的確,時間是最好的愛情療傷良藥。

The Hurtin' All Over
(Now the hurtin's all over, all over me;)
A year ago today I felt like dyin'
As unloved and unwanted as a heart could be
But time has away - of changing yesterday
Now the hurtin's all over - all over me; Yes,
The hurtin's all over - all over my body
It started in my heart and it spread all over me
Father time did his part, took the hurt out of my heart
Now the hurtin's all over- all over me.
How my arms ache to hold you like they used to do
And my eyes ache for the love light they no longer see
How I miss your caress, how my lips ache to be kissed
Yes, the hurtin's all over - all over me; Well,
[Repeat chorus]

台長: 流浪阿狗
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