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老歌亂談(421)Temptation Eyes

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這首《Temptation Eyes》是美國搖滾樂團The Grass Roots於1970年發行的歌曲,在排行榜的名次為第15名。

The Grass Roots成立於1965年,1967年以一首翻唱的《Let's Live for Today》首度進入排行榜前10名(# 8),唱片賣出超過了2百萬張,因而一舉成名。至1975年,共有兩張專輯及一張單曲金唱片,單曲進榜21次,包含前10名---3次、前20名---3次、以及前40名---8次。在當時英國樂團大舉入侵的環境下,能有這樣的成績應該算是不錯的了。

The Grass Roots的主唱Rob Grill曾描述說,此曲內容是關於temptress ( 媚女?狐狸精?),使得唱歌的人都狂放了起來 ( 儘管歌中的他未能將之擁為己有 )。在歷來樂團的所有歌曲中,這是他非常喜歡的一首。

She's got something that moves my soul
And she knows I'd love to love her
But she lets me down every time
Can't make her mine she's no-one's lover
Tonight with me she'll be so inviting
I want her all for myself
Temptation eyes looking through my-my-my soul
Temptation eyes, you got to love me
Got to love me tonight
Her wild-eyed innocence is just a game
But just the same my head is spinnin'
She's got a way to keep me on her side
It's just a ride that's never ending
Tonight with me she'll be so exciting
I want her all for myself
Temptation eyes looking through my-my-my soul
Temptation eyes, you got to love me
Got to love me tonight
Tonight with me she'll be so exciting
I want her all for myself
Temptation eyes looking through my-my-my soul
Temptation eyes, you got to love me
Got to love me tonight

台長: 流浪阿狗
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