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2020-03-11 13:56:55| 人氣3,706| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(974)Short Change Hero

推薦 4 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

前天晚上,看CINEMAX電影台的影片《Strike Back》( 台譯:勇者逆襲 ),這系列的影片剛開始的第一、二季還有在追,後來覺得任務小組太「神勇」 ( 有點扯 ),就放棄了,而前晚也只是「隨便看看」。倒是最近有在看的連續劇是67台AXN的《芝加哥警署》( Chicago P.D.),以及每周日晚76台MOMOTV的《巴黎情報局》( The Bureau)。《巴黎情報局》為諜報片,劇情曲折緊張,值得推薦。

勇者逆襲》的影片雖不怎麼樣 ( 抱歉!純為台長個人意見 ),而片頭、尾的主題曲卻還不錯聽,為使用英國樂團The Heavy的歌曲 --《Short Change Hero》的片段,The Heavy是2007成立的團體,此曲收錄在該團第2張專輯《The House That Dirt Built》( 2009 ) 中。說來有趣,此曲從未另發行單曲,卻仍在2012於法國單曲排行榜獲得第109名。

歌名「Short Change Hero」的英文定義 -- Someone who is outcasted/ostracized by society and is generally viewed as a bad/unethical person but they always try to be the hero in bad situations or events out of compassion and honor。意思像是雖為社會認為的不是什麼好人,但總是會在艱困的處境或有時出於同情和榮譽,嘗試做出英雄之舉?

據寫此曲的The Heavy樂團的主唱Kelvin Swaby在接受訪談時透露,他寫此曲的靈感背景是因看到親戚家才15歲的孩子,因出了事惹得警察上門,並全家生活因此搞得一團混亂。且當時英國一些青少年,喜歡在身上揣著小刀趴趴走,也因而造成了多起的命案。故此曲中的Hero,應該指的是那些在自己的生活圈中,自以為了不起的小混混吧!

I can't see where you're comin' from
But I know just what you're runnin' from
And what matters ain't the who's baddest but the
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder,
When you feel like you're feeling now
And doin' things just to please your crowd
But I love you like the way I love you
And I suffer but I ain't gonna cut you 'cause
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home"
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home"
And every time I close my eyes
I think, I think 'bout you inside
And your mother givin' up on asking why
Why you lie and you cheat
And you try to make a fool out of she
I can't see where you're comin' from
But I know just what you're runnin' from
And what matters ain't the who's baddest but the
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder, cause
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home"
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home"
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home"

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 電視賞析(綜藝、戲劇、影集、節目) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(975)I Had Too Much to Dream ( Last Night)
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(973)Tired of Toein' the Line

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