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老歌亂談(965)After All This Time

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此曲為美國鄉村音樂藝人Rodney Crowell由1988的專輯《Diamonds & Dirt》中所釋出的第4首單曲,不僅成為他個人第3首的冠軍曲,也在1990為他奪得了一座「年度最佳鄉村歌曲」的葛萊美獎。

Rodney Crowell剛出道時是以寫歌為主。1975,鄉村女歌手Emmylou Harris錄唱了Crowell所寫的一首《Bluebird Wine》,此促成倆人見了個面,Crowell隨即被安排參與了Harris在德州的秀檔,想來是Harris對Crowell的表現滿意,秀檔後正式邀請Crowell加入她的專屬樂團The Hot Band擔任旋律吉他手,Crowell也欣然接受,此後開始跟隨Harris約兩年,後Crowell與唱片公司簽約開始其獨唱事業後才離開。但倆人的緣份並未因此中斷,近40年後的2013,Harris和Crowell合作了一張專輯《Old Yellow Moon》,再為倆人贏得了一座葛萊美獎。

圖片左上方戴墨鏡者為Rodney Crowell

1979,Rodney Crowell再婚,娶了超級鄉村巨星Johnny Cash的女兒,也是鄉村歌手的Rosanne Cash,倆人在歌唱事業上相互扶持,該時期,Crowell負責Rosanne大部份專輯的製作,而由Rosanne歌曲的成功 ( 1981-1989,Rosanne共有10首鄉村冠軍曲 ),也啟發了Crowell的寫歌靈感。1988,神奇的事情發生了,在前述Crowell的專輯《Diamonds & Dirt》中,竟然連續發行的5首單曲均獲得排行榜冠軍,而領頭的則是夫妻合唱的《It's  Such a Small World》。1992,Crowell和Cash離婚後各自嫁娶,但雙方仍保持良好的朋友關係,偶爾還會在一起同台表演。

左至右:Roseanne Cash和父親Johnny Cash及繼母June Cash

這是一首懷念舊情人的歌,由歌詞:While you're alive and I am too,對方應已過世,一切的愛和思念,真的也只有長留心中了。

亂談(3)Together Again / Emmylou Harris & The Hot Band


亂談(403)I Walk The Line / Johnny Cash



There were trains
And we out-run 'em
There were songs
And we out-sung 'em
There were brighter days never ending
There was time
And we were burnin'
There were rhymes
And we were learnin'
There was all the love two hearts could hold

And after all this time
You're always on my mind
Hey I could never let it end
'Cause my heart takes so long to mend
The dream that keeps your hopes alive
The lonely nights you hold inside
And after all this time
You're always on my mind
I still want you

There was rain
That we outlasted
There was pain
But we got past it
There were last goodbyes still left unspoken
There were ways I should have thrilled you
There were days I could have killed you
You're the only love my life has known

And after all this time
You're always on my mind
Hey I could never let you go
A broken heart that heals so slow
Could never beat for someone new
While you're alive and I am too
And after all this time
You're always on my mind
I still miss you

And I could never let it in
'Cause my heart takes so long to mend
The dream that keeps your hopes alive
The lonely nights you hold inside
And after all this time
You're always on my mind
I still want you
Hey after all this time
You're always on my mind
I still love you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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