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老歌亂談(964)Somebody's Needing Somebody

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Conway Twitty於1984所發行專輯《By Heart》的領頭單曲,在鄉村榜的第一名位置總計停留了14週,也是Conway Twitty個人的第31首冠軍曲。

1958,出道不久的Conway Twitty至電台演唱,忽然靈機一動,捨棄原本要唱的一首《I'll Try》( 此首單曲除了銷不出去,連電台和點唱機都不願主動播放),而改唱B面的《It's Only Make Believe》( 此曲為他在加拿大Hamilton的一所俱樂部表演時與樂隊的鼓手所合寫 ),由於Twitty演唱該曲的聲音,有些酷似貓王Elvis Prealey而常被誤認,雖然也跌跌撞撞了近一年的時間,最後終於攻上了「流行排行榜」的冠軍寶座,此也是Twitty第一首的冠軍曲。1959,Twitty又有兩首歌曲打入流行榜前10名,雖然標榜自己為鄉村歌手,他其實也滿享受能在流行榜所獲致的成功。由此,在Twitty之後的鄉村歌曲中,也常可見融入了其他的流行曲風元素。

人生不如意事,十常八九。此曲所欲傳達的,應是當失意孤獨時,不必過度的自憐自艾,須知許多人的境況也和你差不多,要相信遲早會有人來關心來愛你。對於渴望的愛情,也不要放棄希望,如同歌詞中說的:Oh, there's got to be somebody, somewhere waitin' for me。當緣份來到,另一半就會出現的。


亂談(58)Don't Cry Joni  


Someone somewhere's fallin' asleep
In a chair in front of the TV
'Cross town somebody's up
And walkin' the floor at a quarter to three
In some little corner of the world
A forgotten soul, is waitin' by the phone
And right down the hall someone's in there feelin'
Like cryin', 'cause they're livin' all alone

Somebody's needin' somebody, the way I do
Somebody's wantin' somebody, they can hold on to
To be loved by somebody, that's the way it should be
Oh, there's got to be somebody, somewhere waitin' for me
Late at night, it's lonely and I wonder how I'll ever get through
There's got to be somebody, somewhere who's feelin' it too
Hurtin' inside, goin' through the motions, it's so hard to live
So many feelin' so lonely, when they got so much to give
Somebody's needin' somebody, the way I do
Somebody's wantin' somebody, they can hold on to
To be loved by somebody, that's the way it should be
Oh, there's got to be somebody, somewhere waitin' for me
To be loved by somebody, that's the way it should be
Oh, there's got to be somebody, out there waitin' for me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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