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老歌亂談(963)If You're Not Back In Love By Monday

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此曲原名《If We're Not Back In Love By Monday》,於1977首由鄉村歌手Merle Haggard錄唱發行,在鄉村單曲榜獲得第2名。後不久,靈魂及節奏藍調女歌手Millie Jackson將歌名由We're改為You're,且將原曲為吉特巴 ( jitterbug ) 的節奏放慢,成為了靈魂藍調歌曲 (或也有一些爵士) 。Jackson的版本同在1977獲得流行榜的第43名,在R&B榜則是第5名。

Millie Jackson應該算不上是國際級的知名歌手,而從1971-1988也有40首歌曲入榜,並此期間有6張專輯獲得銷售50萬張以上的金唱片認證。所以,Jackson的歌藝絕無問題,或許看相片會覺得她有點醜醜的,但她在歌壇出道前曾担任過模特兒,年輕時的她身材應該也無問題。^^

原曲的意思是夫妻或情人之間的感情出了問題,想藉渡假來化解,倘週一回來後還是不行,就分道揚鑣吧!但主詞由We改成You後,變成是在對愛出去玩的另一半下「最後通牒」:假如禮拜一再不回來,就請滾吧! 說是這樣說,愛玩的男人逾時回來後,擺出哀求的姿態再加上些甜言蜜語,女方多半還是會心軟的。是嗎?

You can call Mrs. Johnson to
Keep the kids for a day or two
Take the early flight to Florida
Just the way you used to do

Have room service bring you breakfast
Make love all through the day
If you're not back in love by Monday
Then you go your separate way

If you're not back in love by Monday
You can't say you didn't try
But before you bury your love
Just make sure you let it die

Sleep a few more nights together
Say the things that you used to say
And if you're not back in love by Monday
You just go your separate way

You can find that little cafe
With the funny sounding name
Get the corner by the window
Tell him you love him once again

If the disco dj's still there
Go on, dance til the break of day
If you're not back in love by Monday
Then you go your separate way

If you're not back in love by Monday
You can't say you didn't try
But before you bury your love
Just make sure you let it die

Oh, oh, go on
Sleep a few more nights together
Say the things that you used to say
If you're not back in love by Monday
Then you go your separate way

Then you go your separate way

台長: 流浪阿狗
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