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2014-09-03 15:37:13| 人氣2,064| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(314)End of the Line

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《End of the Line》是英美組合的超級樂團Traveling Wilburys在1989所發行的第一張專輯〈Volume 1〉中的最後一首歌。為何說Traveling Wilburys是超級樂團呢?因為它的每個成員在歌唱音樂界早已都是響叮噹的人物,包含有George Harrison、Jeff Lynne ( ELO )、Roy Orbison、Tom Petty以及Bob Dylan。整張專輯不僅獲頒銷售超過二百萬張的三白金唱片,也在1990贏得了一座葛萊美獎。但此曲之後作為單曲發行,只得到告示牌熱門百大的第63名。

這首歌除了Bob Dylan之外,由Harrison、Lynne及Orbison依序分別擔任各段的主唱,副歌則由Petty負責。而在拍攝音樂影像帶的時候,Orbison已因心臟病過世 ( 52歲 ),所以在他主唱的時候,影片中出現的是放著他的吉他的搖椅以及他的相片,也算是對他的致敬與追念吧!

有人認為歌曲的意思是:無論生活中發生了何事,終將會渡過。假如自己覺得生活過得快樂,別人又怎能影響你告訴該如何做?但也不代表為了想得到自己想要的,就不顧一切的往前衝。要牢記在心的是,每天都將會是「審判日 ( Judgement Day )」。

Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, doing the best you can
Well it's all right, as long as you lend a hand

You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring
Waiting for someone to tell you everything
Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring
Maybe a diamond ring

Well it's all right, even if they say you're wrong
Well it's all right, sometimes you gotta be strong
Well it's all right, As long as you got somewhere to lay
Well it's all right, everyday is Judgement Day

Maybe somewhere down the road aways
You'll think of me, wonder where I am these days
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays
Purple haze

Well it's all right, even when push comes to shove
Well it's all right, if you got someone to love
Well it's all right, everything'll work out fine
Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line

Don't have to be ashamed of the car I drive
I'm glad to be here, happy to be alive
It don't matter if you're by my side
I'm satisfied

Well it's all right, even if you're old and grey
Well it's all right, you still got something to say
Well it's all right, remember to live and let live
Well it's all right, the best you can do is forgive

Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, even if the sun don't shine
Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(315)Not Alone Anymore
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