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老歌亂談(966)Loving Arms

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此曲為美國歌手兼詞曲作家Tom Jans所寫,但首由Kris Kristofferson和Rita Coolidge這對夫妻檔錄唱,收錄在1973發行的專輯《Full Moon》中。之後有唱紅《Drift Away》的黑人歌手Dobie Cray翻唱,其版本在1973獲得流行榜第61名。貓王Elvis Presley也在1974翻唱,但直到死後的1981才發行單曲,在鄉村榜獲得第8名。Kris & Rita也在1974發行此曲單曲,雖然只得到第86名,卻在1975獲得最佳鄉村二人組合的葛萊美獎提名,可惜未能獲獎。

對Kris Kristofferson這位老兄較深刻的
印象是,原是位直昇機飛行員,放著好好的工作不做,硬是要往音樂的路上來闖,歌喉其實並不怎麼樣,而的確是有寫歌的才華,所寫的《Help Me Make It Through The Night》、《Me and Bobby McGee》及《For the Good Times》等均是膾炙人口的經典好歌。再來就是他的「泡妞精神」:1970,Kris與Rita Coolidge在洛杉磯機場初遇,倆人巧搭同班機,Kris原本要回Nashville,結果為了Rita,毅然提前在Memphis下機 ( 要不然此段因緣恐就錯失了?) ,此舉果然讓他追到了Rita,後倆人在1973結婚。Rita Coolidge應該有些印地安人血統,翻開她的情史,也堪稱是個「愛情殺手」。她曾與歌手Stephen Stills有親密的婚外交往,後又轉向Graham Nash,有評論說她是促成此知名樂團Crosby,Stills,Nash&Young在1970分裂的重要因素。

右至左:Graham Nash、
Stephen Stills & David Crosby

好聽的歌就是這樣,翻唱此曲的知名男女歌手有一大籮筐,以下另貼英國合唱團體The Beautiful South女主唱Jacqui Abbott的版本。愛情時常會有種狀況,擁有時不知珍惜,寧願自己漫遊、獨處 ( 有點嫌對方煩?),等回頭想要時,之前雙方充滿愛的溫暖擁抱,也就只能出現在夢中了。

亂談(620)Drift Away                                                        

亂談(60)Help Me Make It Through the Night                     http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/tabidog01/post/1324108188



If you could see me now
The one who said that he'd rather roam
The one who said he'd rather be alone
If you could only see me now
If I could hold you now
Just for a moment if I could make you mine
Just for a while turn back the hands of time
If I could only hold you now
I've been too long in the wind, too long in the rain
Taking any comfort that I can
Looking back and longing for the freedom from my chains
Lying in your loving arms again
If you could hear me now
Singing somewhere through the lonely nights
Dreaming of the arms that held me tight
If you could only hear me now
I've been too long in the wind, too long in the rain
Taking any comfort that I can
Looking back and longing for the freedom from my chains
Lying in your loving arms again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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