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2019-04-13 19:44:13| 人氣1,989| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(912)The Girl From Yesterday

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1981,老鷹合唱團 ( Eagles ) 拆夥宣佈解散,創團元老也是靈魂人物的鼓手Don Henley撂下重話,說除非哪天地獄結凍 ( When Hell Freezes Over ),否則Eagles不會再復合。地獄怎會結凍?此話意思是說Eagles是永遠不可能會再復合了。誰知這句玩笑重話竟在14年後打臉了Don Henley,Eagles不僅復合還又發行了一張現場演唱專輯,想來是為要消解當年豪語的尷尬,刻意將專輯取名為《Hell Freezes Over》。

此張專輯於1994直衝美國專輯排行榜的冠軍寶座,專輯中當然不乏好歌,像是《Get Over It》 ( #31)、《Love Will Keep Us Alive》( #1 / AC ) ,及鄉村歌手Travis Tritt主唱、Eagles成員同時出現在MTV中的《Take It Easy》等等。此首《The Girl From Yesterday》也收錄在此張專輯中,不過並未受到太多的矚目。有人認為Glenn Frey的唱功不怎麼樣,也有人認為歌曲的旋律一般般。歌曲好不好聽、喜不喜歡,各人心中自有一把尺。其實,對此曲有感覺的人也不在少數。另,從有眾多的非職業翻唱者亦可探知。

寫此曲的是Glenn Frey和另位鄉村歌手Jack Tempchin ( 此位老兄之前寫過Eagles的《Peaceful Easy Feeling》),雖然不知倆人寫此曲的背景,而毫無疑問的這是首哀傷的歌曲。失去了經營了許久的愛情,一切要重新開始,好像成為了一個從昨天才初乍到的女孩 ( 是這樣嗎?)。


亂談(883) Peaceful Easy Feeling

Ray Dylan的版本

It wasn't really sad the way they said good-bye
Or maybe it just hurt so bad she couldn't cry
He packed his things, walked out the door and drove away
And she became the girl from yesterday
He took a plane across the sea
To some foreign land
She stayed at home and tried so hard to understand
How someone who had been so close could be so far away
And she became the girl from yesterday
She doesn't know what's right
She doesn't know what's wrong
She only knows the pain that comes from waiting for so long
And she doesn't count the teardrops
That she's cried while he's away
Because she knows deep in her heart
That he'll be back someday
The light's on in the window; she's waiting by the phone
Talking to a memory that's never coming home
She dreams of his returning and the things that he might say
But she'll always be the girl from yesterday
Yeh, she'll always be the girl from yesterday

台長: 流浪阿狗
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