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老歌亂談(1000)Indian Summer

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此首《Indian Summer》是Larry Gatlin與Barry Gibb所合寫。Larry Gatlin是鄉村/南方福音歌手,擅長假音,後與兩位弟弟合組Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers。Barry Gibb則是知名樂團Bee Gees的大哥,而三位弟弟Andy(1988)、Maurice (2003)、Robin(2012)先後過世,曾經如此輝煌的樂團如今僅剩下Barry一人,頗令人有不勝唏噓之感。

Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb of the Bee Gees, with their brother Andy Gibb, photographed at the 1977 Billboard Music Awards.

1985,歌手Roy Orbison與Larry Gatlin合唱此曲,Roy Orbison的唱歌招牌特色是飆高音,倆人一起唱,不禁讓人覺得有相互較勁的味道。其實,早在1964,Gatlin兄弟即在當地的一場才藝競賽中擊敗過Roy Orbison,當時Larry還只是Odessa高中的「四分衛」。然而,多年後Roy Orbison在流行音樂的知名度和成就,卻是大大超越了Larry Gatlin。

聽Roy Orbison唱歌,當音調往上拉時,真的是會替他捏一把冷汗,而到達高點之後,又有如釋重負之感,這或許也是大家喜歡他的歌的原因之一。1988,Orbison因心臟病驟逝,僅享年52歲。此曲並未發行單曲,收錄在Orbison死後發行的專輯《Rare Orbison II》(1989)中。

「老歌亂談」終於來到1000篇,這是開台初期連自己都不敢設想的目標,感謝喜歡西洋老歌的朋友一路相挺,之後也會再繼續努力,但腳步應會放緩些。原本想湊個興貼Bobby Vee的《The Night Has a Thousand Eyes》,但想想,繼續再玩這把戲,恐有點遜掉了。呵呵呵!

亂談(144)Only the Lonely


You were a lady - like lady I was a boy running wild
The way that you used everything that god gave you
I gave you my heart like a child, one moment you took me to heaven
Took me back to earth and then before I woke up to the fact I was small you took me back to heaven again
And I remember the Indian summer how you held me, how you loved me (Loved me loved me)
The world may give me a million reasons but reasons don't make it wrong
Every lesson I learned has a price in return I was lost in my youth and to tell you the truth
I was empty and you filled me with a glow of love a loving loves may die
Just to hear you that sees me through, oh what I'd give to re-live all the Indian Summers with you
So many hearts have been broken (Dum dumb dumb dumb-by Do Wah)
You had no trouble with mine like a fool I was there for the taking (but then)
It was only a matter of time you can lie in the sun with the warm wind blowing
Just knowing you've already paid but you can't live alone in an Indian Summer at 110 in the shade
And I remember (and I remember) The Indian Summer
How you held me in the moonlight
We were riding along on a silver dream never dreaming it off our head
and if I'd known I'd lose you the moment I found you I'd love you all over again
'cause I'm still empty (I'm still empty) Come fill me ( Come fill me)
With a fire of love your flame will follow flame 'cause it's all I want to do
Oh what I'd give to re-live all the Indian Summers with you
Oh what I'd give to re-live all the Indian Summers with you
Oh what I'd give to re-live all the Indian Summers with you
Oh what I'd give to re-live all the Indian Summers with you-oooooooooooooooooo

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1001) Lonely Women Make Good Lovers
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(999)9,999,999 Tears


only the lonely/oh//pretty women//in dreams//
2020-07-30 15:20:12
年輕時喜歡Orbison的幾首歌,但對他本人並不瞭解。後來知道貓王Elvis曾推崇說Orbison是他心目中的最佳歌手,以及Orbison後期參與George Harrison、Bob Dylan等所組的超級樂隊The Traveling Wilburys,對這位老兄更是肅然起敬。
2020-07-31 04:25:35
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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