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老歌亂談(913)This One's Gonna Hurt You ( For a Long, Long Time )

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美國鄉村歌手Travis Tritt與Marty Stuart在1991合唱了一首《The Whiskey Ain't Workin'》,由Travis的專輯中另作單曲發行,雖然在鄉村榜只得到第二名,卻在1992為倆人奪得了一座「最佳鄉村合唱」的葛萊美獎。或許是合作的感覺不錯,倆人接著再錄唱此首《This One's Gonna Hurt You ( For a Long, Long Time )》,這次換成由Marty發行單曲,成績也不差,獲得鄉村榜第7名,及鄉村音樂協會的「年度演唱」獎。

此曲為Marty Stuart所寫,這位帥哥在12歲時聽了女歌手Connie Smith的演唱後,曾發豪語告訴母親,說有一天要娶Connie為妻。Connie比Marty大17歲,誰也未料到在26年後的1997,Marty終於完成了他年輕時的夢想,和Connie結為連理。

Connie Smith

Travis Tritt自己雖然有多首的鄉村冠軍曲,但截至目前,只得過兩座葛萊美獎,除了前述的一座,另一座則是在1999,玄妙的竟然還是和Marty Stuart及其他幾位歌手的合唱曲《Same Old Train》,看來倆人的合體容易產生不一樣的能量,不知
Travis 發現了沒有

(705)The Hurtin's All Over / Connie Smith

在上一篇(亂談)中提到Travis Tritt演唱Eagles的歌《Take It Easy》

Baby, close that suitcase, let's turn this thing around
We've got everybody talking all over town
But if you have to leave, well, keep one thing in mind
Oh, this one's gonna hurt you for a long, long time
There's a bottle on the table, to help me understand
How love can go so wrong between a woman and a man
But just beyond the door, here's what you will find
Girl, this one's gonna hurt you for a long, long time
A long, long time is forever
And will I get over you, probably never
You can't walk away from true love
And leave your feelings all behind
'Cause this one's gonna hurt you for a long, long time
A long, long time is forever
And will I get over you, probably never
You can't walk away from true love
And leave your feelings all behind
'Cause this one's gonna hurt you for a long, long time
You can't walk away from true love
Leave your feelings all behind
Ah, this one's gonna hurt you for a long, long time

台長: 流浪阿狗
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