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歌曲的創作若隱含了現實的娛樂「八卦」,應該更容易受到矚目,這首《Rosanna》應該就有達到了這樣的效果。話說美國搖滾樂團Toto於1982發行這首歌時,該樂團的鍵盤手Steve Porcaro正在和美國女演員Rosanna Arquette交往,眾所周知,歌曲中的Rosanna當然指的是Rosanna Arquette ( 甚至樂團其他成員及Rosanna Arquette自己也都如此
認為。) 。不過,寫歌的Toto團員David Paich在後來接受訪談時透露,其實這首歌說的是在高中時期的一些戀愛感受,女主角也不只是一位,Rosanna這個名字的靈感的確是來自Rosanna Arquette,但只是借用而已。

Steve Porcaro

Rosanna Arquette 參與服裝走秀(2005)


歌曲發行後不久,Steve Porcaro和Rosanna Arquette卻分手了。之後Rosanna Arquette的情史不斷,在2007還和前披頭合唱團的貝士手Paul McCartney有過短暫的交往。

Rosanna Arquette & Paul McCartney

在以下所貼的音樂影帶中,飾演Rosanna的舞者為Cynthia Rhodes,此也使得她隨後參與了約翰屈服塔 ( John Travolta ) 1983的電影《Staying Alive》( 台譯:龍飛鳳舞 ) 的演出。

Cynthia Rhodes & John Travolta ( Staying Alive 電影劇照 )

All I want to do when I wake up in the morning is see you eyes
Rosanna, Rosanna
Never thought that a girl like you could ever care for me, Rosanna
All I want to do in the middle of the evening is hold you tight
Rosanna, Rosanna
I didn't know you were looking for more than I could ever be
Not quite a year since she went away, Rosanna
Now she's gone and I have to say
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
I can see your face still shining through the window on the other side
Rosanna, Rosanna
I didn't know that a girl like you could make me feel so sad, Rosanna
All I want to tell you is now you'll never ever have to compromise
Rosanna, Rosanna
I never thought that losing you could ever hurt so bad
Not quite a year since she went away, Rosanna, yeah
Now she's gone and I have to say
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
Not quite a year since she went away, Rosanna, yeah
Now she's gone and I have to say
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way
Meet you all the way, meet you all the way, Rosanna, yeah

台長: 流浪阿狗
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