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老歌亂談(821)It's a Real Good Feeling

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Peter Kent是位德國流行歌手兼製作人,1948出生於德國北方的魯爾區。他初闖樂壇是參加一個名為「Six de conduits」的團體,之後參與了音樂劇「Hair」中的一個角色,並與其它音樂劇團體一起在德國巡演。1975,Peter Kent成為合唱團體Love Generation的成員之一,該團體的成績差強人意,曾有歌曲打進德國廣播排行榜的前50名。

1979,Peter Kent開始其獨唱事業,此首《It;s a Real Good Feeling》即為其發行的首支單曲,而此第一棒即揮出了全壘打,1980在德國排行榜奪得冠軍,唱片也大賣了75萬張,之後也有幾首歌曲入榜了前20名。

電視影集《霹靂遊俠》的主角李麥克,本名為David Hasselhoff ( 大衛赫索霍夫 ),是位德裔美國人。他除了演戲之外,也鐘情於唱歌,曾翻唱過不少首歌曲,像是《Jump In My Car》,2006獲得了英國單曲排行榜的第3名。以及亂談曾介紹過的《Looking for Freedom》。David Hasselhoff在演《霹靂遊俠》時,與女演員Catherine Hickland在戲中結婚,沒想到假戲真做,倆人也真的在1984結為夫妻,但婚姻只維持了5年。以下另貼
David Hasselhoff此曲的翻唱版。

Catherine Hickland & David Hasselhoff

Disco歌曲在70年代中後期至80年代初,曾大為風行,但因音樂太過於電子機械化,而遭到一些人士的抨擊反彈,甚至1979/07/12在芝加哥的棒球場為棒球宣傳所舉辦的「Disco Demolition Night」,結果造成了爆炸事件,並以暴亂告終,成為了知名的「the day disco died」。不過,好聽的音樂永不會失傳,說不定哪天又流行了起來。

延伸閱讀:亂談(348)Looking for Freedom / David Hasselhoff


You turnin' my night into days
Leap me in mysteries way
You make feel like a new man
It's like I'm born once again
Mm-mm, it's you
I know it's you
You cause desire and pain
Tangle me up in your chain
You make me this slave of your love
Life feels like heaven above
Mm-mm, it's you
Forever you
And it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
Oh, for your sweet love
And it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
For your sweet love
Magic is filling the air
I need you, you know that I care
You are the one I adore
Leavin' me begging from home
Mm-mm, it's you
I know it's you
But it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
Oh, for your sweet love
And it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
For your sweet love
And it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
Oh, for your sweet love
And it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
Oh, for your sweet love
But it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
Oh, for your sweet love
But it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'
You got me beggin' and stealin'
Oh, for your sweet love
But it's a real good feeling
You got me rockin' and reelin'

台長: 流浪阿狗
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