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2013-12-01 21:07:34| 人氣5,367| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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這首歌原是要寫給英國動物合唱團 ( The Animals ) 的,但卻被樂團主唱Eric Burdon給換掉了。之後由美國搖滾樂團Paul Revere & the Raiders接手,於1966以單曲推出,在加拿大奪得了第一名,美國則位居第四。2004年,列名滾石雜誌500偉大歌曲 ( 所有時期 ) 的第400名。


在音樂部份,有說法認為這首歌的主奏吉他會使人聯想到The Beatles,貝士吉他的音符則浮現了The Byrds的身影,而主唱者的演唱風格與吉他、電風琴的結合,也像是吹起了懷舊風,讓人憶想起英國搖滾樂團像是The Kinks 和 The Yardbirds。但以上的這些形容,對一般的歌友來說 ( 就是在說偶自己啦!),恐不太容易有相同深刻的感受。

Paul Revere & the Raiders樂團以此首《Kicks》初嚐輝煌戰果,之後也有幾首熱門曲推出,像是《Hungry》/1966,《Him or Me》/1967。而至1971,終於有了他們第一首的冠軍曲《Indian Reservation》,之後也真正地成為了國際知名的樂團。

註:當年我聽此曲是香港熱門合唱團The Lotus的版本,唱得也相當棒,可惜在網上找不到他們的影音。


Well, you thought you found the answer on that magic carpet ride last night
But when you wake up in the mornin' the world still gets uptight
Well, there's nothin' that you ain't tried
To fill the emptiness inside
But when you come back down, girl
Still ain't feelin' right
And don't it seem like

Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find
And all your kicks ain't bringin' you peace of mind
Before you find out it's too late, girl
You better get straight

No, but not with kicks
You just need help, girl

Well, you think you're gonna find yourself a little piece of paradise
But it ain't happened yet, so girl you better think twice
Don't you see no matter what you do
You'll never run away from you
And if you keep on runnin'
You'll have to pay the price
And don't it seem like

Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find
And all your kicks ain't bringin' you peace of mind
Before you find out it's too late, girl
You better get straight

No, you don't need kicks
To help you face the world each day
That road goes nowhere
I'm gonna help you find yourself another way

Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find
And all your kicks ain't bringin' you peace of mind
Before you find out it's too late, girl
You better get straight
And don't it seem like

Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find
And all your kicks ain't bringin' you peace of mind
Before you find out it's too late, girl
You better get straight


台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(198)The Night Chicago Died

2013-12-02 10:10:27

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2013-12-02 15:47:18
歡迎回國! 也許早期對 paul revere有些偏見 ('67當時也只是看到些許照片.) ~Louie Louie~ 电台放 The Kingsmen 版本比較習慣, '69 的 ~Arizona~ 很出色, Just like Me & Indian Reservation 也是不錯!
謝謝 po文!
2013-12-02 16:59:56
哈哈!其實我比較贊成歌曲用「聽」的。自從有了YouTube,雖然得以瞻仰一些偶像的現場表演,而因看到了本尊之後被扣分的也不少。之前我對Paul Revere並不熟悉,看了他們的Live,第一個感覺就是外型不夠「酷」。

這次出國是到泰國的Pattaya,在當地的walking street,有許多Bar都有Live Band,在馬路上即可聽看,震憾的音響搞得我有些血液沸騰,真想衝進去看看他們用的是何廠牌的Amp。呵呵呵!
2013-12-02 19:20:14
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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