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老歌亂談(734)Misty Blue

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此首鄉村曲《Misty Blue》是曾在青少年時和Buddy Holly搭擋二重唱的Bob Montgomery所寫,原擬交由Brenda Lee來唱,但被打了回票。Brenda Lee的製作人Owen Bradley頗喜歡這首歌,卻又無法說動她,只得交給另位女歌手Wilma Burgess來詮釋。Wilma Burgess果然未負Bradley的期望,此曲在1967年初拿下鄉村榜的第4名 ( 也是她入榜成績最好的一首歌 )。可惜好景不常,另位男歌手Eddy Arnold在1967稍後也發行此曲,不僅奪得鄉村榜第3名,同時亦跨進流行榜,得到第57名。

Wilma burgess

Eddy Arnold

有趣的是,有位Joe Simon老兄,於1972將此曲改為節奏藍調的唱法,結果在R & B和Hot 100雙雙入榜 ( #47、#91 )。1972,黑人女歌手Dorothy Moore錄唱Joe Simon的版本並在1975發行,而成績更上一層樓 ( R&B / #2、Hot 100 / #3 ),也以此曲獲得葛萊美獎的提名,應該算是此曲最為知名的版本。不過,另位女歌手Etta James的版本較合台長的口味。

Joe Simon

Etta James


Oh, it's been such a long, long time
Looks like I'd get you off my mind
Oh, but I can't
Just the thought of you
Turns my whole world misty blue

Oh honey, just the mention of your name
Turns the flicker to a flame
Listen to me good, baby
I think of the things we used to do
And my whole world turns misty blue

Ooooh baby, I should forget you
Heaven knows I tried
Baby, when I say that I'm glad we're through
Deep in my heart I know I've lied
I've lied, I've lied

Ooooh honey, it's been such a long, long time
Looks like I'd get you off my mind
But I can't
Just the thought of you, my love
My whole world turns misty blue

Ooooh, Oh, I can't, Oh , I can't
Oh, I can't forget you
My whole world turns misty blue
Ooooh, Oh, my love
My whole world turns misty blue
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, I can't forget you
My whole world turns misty blue

台長: 流浪阿狗
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