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老歌亂談(735)We Must Have Been Out of Our Mind

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美國鄉村女歌手Melba Montgomery也是從才藝比賽脫穎而出獲得了唱片公司青睞而踏入歌壇。1962,才剛開始她的歌唱事業,就得以和同公司的大牌男歌手George Jones一起合唱。而倆人合唱中最為知名的這首《We Must Have Been Out of Our Mind》,卻是由Melba Montgomery自己所寫。此曲在1963獲得鄉村榜的第3名。

據George Jones後來回述,他認為和Melba Montgomery合作的這段頗為成功且引以為傲,雖不敢說是首開男女合唱風氣之先,而實確引發了流行,像是後來非常成功的雙人組合「Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn」、「Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton」等等,以及他自己和老婆Tammy Wynette也一起合唱過不少的歌曲。

一直到70年代末期,Melba Montgomery仍有歌曲陸續入榜,包括了和其他歌手等的雙人合唱。而其中除了1974的一首《No Charge》獲得了鄉村榜的冠軍外,Melba Montgomery最讓人記得的,恐怕仍是她和George Jones合唱的這首《We Must Have Been Out of Our Mind》。

「out of one's mind」有心神喪失或發瘋之意。交往中的男女,相互對對方不滿意而另結新歡,熟知分手後才發現原來的對方的好,後悔之際只能推拖當時雙方是「o
ut of our mind」,以中文的形容詞來說,倆人之前會分手,一定是「被鬼給迷了心竅」吧!^^

We said our goodbyes long ago
Never thinking we'd miss each other so
All the memories we can't leave behind
Oh, we must have been out of our minds

I thought I loved another, not you
How foolish, I thought the same, too
They both turned out to be the wrong kind
Oh, we must have been out of our minds

Let's forgive and forget the past we've known
And reap together the wild seeds we've sown
Surely they can forgive us in time
That we must have been out of our minds

I thought I loved another, not you
How foolish, I thought the same, too
They both turned out to be the wrong kind
Oh, we must have been out of our minds

台長: 流浪阿狗
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