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老歌亂談(1028)Soak Up the Sun

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此曲為美國女歌手/藝人Sheryl Crow於2002發行的專輯《C'mon,C'mon》中的領頭單曲,成績不凡,除了在告示牌Adult Top 40拿下冠軍,另在Adult Contemporary及Hot 100榜則分別為第5、第17。在歐洲,包含英國、瑞士,甚至在澳洲、紐西蘭,也都在排行榜前20名。2005還獲得唱片銷售超過50萬張的「金唱片」認證。

據合寫此曲的Jeff Trott透露,此曲最初的靈感是在他由波特蘭飛紐約的航班上,由於在波特蘭淋了太多的雨,覺得終於可去紐約好好的享受陽光 ( soak up the sun ),也同時想起了「海灘少年 ( The Beach Boys)」 式的合音,對於此曲的音律和弦,也有了大致的規劃。不過,在和Sheryl Crow編寫此曲時,談到了之前發生的Columbine高中校園槍擊事件 ( 1999,科倫拜高中的兩名學生攜槍械及爆裂物至學校,槍殺了12名學生及1名教師後隨即自殺身亡。),這除了與歌詞中主角的怪異朋友有些關係,重點還是在歌詞「Got my 45 on, So I can rock on」的這一句,Trott認為大家首先會聯想到點45手槍而感到驚駭,不過,大部份的人都將此45認作是防曬乳液的系數 ( 呵呵,市售好像只有40或50的),也有人看了在海邊拍的官方影帶,認為45指的是Sherry所攜帶大桶身木吉他的尺寸。

歌曲的主角知道自的己工作不怎麼樣,薪資當然也低,但對物欲和生活都相當的知足。遇到感覺自己有些蹩腳不夠酷時,也懂得向上 ( 前 ) 看。再怎麼樣,能夠沉浸在陽光下就已經夠了,雖然有點阿Q,卻是一首相當正面勵志的歌曲。

此為在Sheryl Crow自己農場的家所錄製,看她的貝士也彈的很不錯。

My friend the communist
Holds meetings in his RV
I can't afford his gas
So I'm stuck here watching tv
I don't have digital
I don't have diddly squat
It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna tell everyone
To lighten up
I'm gonna tell 'em that
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I've got a crummy job
It don't pay near enough
To buy the things it takes
To win me some of your love
Every time I turn around
I'm looking up, you're looking down
Maybe something's wrong with you
That makes you act the way you do
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna tell everyone
To lighten up
I'm gonna tell 'em that
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up
I'm gonna soak up the sun
While it's still free
I'm gonna soak up the sun
Before it goes out on me
Don't have no master suite
But I'm still the king of me
You have a fancy ride, but baby
I'm the one who has the key
Every time I turn around
I'm looking up, you're looking down
Maybe something's wrong with you
That makes you act the way you do
Maybe I am crazy too
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna tell everyone
To lighten up
I'm gonna tell 'em that
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1029)China Girl
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1027)The Shelter of Your Eyes

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