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老歌亂談(1029)China Girl

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John Mellencamp這位美國歌手自1976出道,之後出過幾張專輯,但都成績平平,直到1982以藝名John Cougar發行的專輯《American Fool》才終於突破,在告示牌專輯排行榜勇奪了9週的冠軍,專輯中的一首《Hurt So Good》還替他贏得了一座「年度最佳男歌手」的葛萊美獎 ( 之後又被提名了12次,但均未獲獎。)。此首《China Girl》也是該專輯中的歌曲。

此曲是由Jeff Silbar和Joe New倆人所寫,而首錄者是樂隊合唱團 ( The Band ) 的鼓手Levon Helm,收錄在其1980的專輯《American Son》中。Mellencamp的翻唱版本,加強了吉他的部份,感覺比較有搖滾的味道。有幾位聽友回應,特別喜歡歌詞中「Stolen flowers, are sweetest in the mornin'」的這一句,是有什麼聯想乎?呵呵!

Levon Helm

Mellencamp這位老兄真是花邊不斷,除了結過3次婚,在37歲就當上了外公。2018年底,台長貼他的《Danger List》時,正和美國甜心Meg Ryan復合且訂婚,未料不到一年,倆人再破局分手。之後Mellencamp又交了一位「護膚專家」Jamie Sherrill,不知下次再貼他的歌時,會不會又換人了?

Meg Ryan & John Mellencamp

John Mellencamp & Jamie Sherrill

亂談(885)Danger List


China girl, I met you on the sea sand
You touched me with your cool hand
Your perfume's in the wind

China girl, your daddy tells you white lies
To keep you from my blue eyes
To know me is no sin

'Cause I won't break you, China girl
If you take me into your world
It's been my good fortune to find you, China girl
China girl

Stolen flowers, are sweetest in the mornin'
The eastern sun is dawnin'
Your silk against my skin

China girl, take me to your Jasmine place
Soothe me with your subtle grace
To know me is no sin

'Cause I won't break you, China girl
If you take me into your world
It's been my good fortune to find you, China girl
China girl

台長: 流浪阿狗
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