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老歌亂談(672)Here for the Party

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出生於1973的Gretchen Wilson,為了追尋成為鄉村歌星的夢想,1996從家鄉伊利諾州移居至鄉村音樂之都 --- 田納西州的納許維爾。奮鬥了幾年,在酒吧演唱時終於遇到了伯樂 --- Big & Rich樂團的John Rich,力邀她參加一個非正式的音樂社群組織MuzikMafia,也逐漸地打開了她的音樂人際關係。

John Rich & Gretchen Wilson

2003,Gretchen Wilson與SONY音樂旗下的Epic唱片公司簽約,並於2004發行了她的首張專輯《Here for the Party》,沒想到竟一鳴驚人,除了奪得專輯榜的冠軍,並獲得了4項葛萊美獎的提名,最後是以主打歌《Redneck Woman》抱回了一座「最佳鄉村女歌手」的獎項。

專輯的同名曲《Here for the Party》為Gretchen Wilson與Big Kenny、John Rich三人所合寫,單曲在鄉村及熱門榜分別獲得第3與第29名,也獲頒了銷售的「金唱片」。Gretchen Wilson的一炮而紅,對於帶領她進門的「師父」John Rich來說,看到自己的成績被大大的超越,恐怕是另有一番的滋味在心頭。

亂談539 《Still Rollin'》/ Gretchen Wilson




Well I'm an eight ball shooting double-fisted drinking son of a gun
I wear my jeans a little tight
Just to watch the little boys come undone
I'm here for the beer and the ball busting band
Gonna get a little crazy just because I can

You know I'm here for the party
And I ain't leaving till they throw me out
Gonna have a little fun gonna get me some
You know I'm here, I'm here for the party

I may not be a ten but the boys say I clean up good
And if I give 'em half a chance
For some rowdy romance you know they would
I've been waiting all week just to have a good time
So bring on them cowboys and their pick-up lines

You know I'm here for the party
And I ain't leaving till they throw me out
Gonna have a little fun gonna get me some
You know I'm here, I'm here for the party

Don't want no purple hooter shooter just some jack on the rocks
Don't mind me if I start that trashy talk

You know I'm here for the party
And I ain't leaving till they throw me out
Gonna have a little fun gonna get me some
You know I'm here, I'm here for the party

You know I'm here for the party
And I ain't leaving till they throw me out
Gonna have a little fun gonna get me some
You know I'm here, I'm here for the party

台長: 流浪阿狗
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