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2017-02-04 20:02:36| 人氣1,910| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(673)Just One More

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此首《Just One More》為美國鄉村歌手George Jones於1956所推出的歌曲,獲得鄉村單曲排行榜的第3名。之後,此曲也常出現在其他歌曲的合輯。

George Jones出道早期,完全是以他心中的偶像Hank Williams作為樣板,當時錄製此曲,無論是唱腔或是伴奏,都儘量模仿Hank Williams的曲風。以下所貼的版本,是George Jones在1996為電影《Tin Cup》( 台譯:千萬風情 )所錄的插曲,則又走回了他自己的風格。電影由凱文科斯納 ( Kevin Costner ) 主演,講的是高爾夫比賽,不同選手的心態和精神,有在打球的看過後一定都會印象深刻。

George Jones是個知名的酒鬼歌星,為此有多次作秀搞失蹤的紀錄,而博得了個「No Show Jones」的綽號。此曲為George Jones自己執筆所作,描述的是一個喝酒人的自憐自艾,
George Jones對喝酒人的心態應該是體會多多,每段歌詞最後的那句「One drink, just one more, and then another」,更是傳神。也是George Jones非常成功的自寫曲之一。

Martina McBridey在2007「George Jones And Friends 50th Anniversary Tribute Concert」中獻唱此曲,向George Jones致敬。

Put the bottle on the table
Let it stay there till I'm not able
To see your face in ev'ry place that I go
I've been sitting here so long
Just remembering that you are gone
Well, one more drink of wine
Then if you're still on my mind
One drink, just one more, and then another

I'll keep drinking, it won't matter
I'll just remember that I once had her
I don't know why I sit and cry every day
I've been trying to forget, but I haven't stopped as yet
Well, one more drink of wine
Then if you're still on my mind
One drink, just one more, and then another

Put the bottle on the table
Let it stay there till I'm not able
To see your face in ev'ry place that I go
I've been sitting here so long
Just remembering that you are gone
Well, one more drink of wine
Then if you're still on my mind
One drink, just one more, and then another

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(674)Wild World
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(672)Here for the Party

恭禧! 新舂萬事如意 平安健康!
2017-02-05 08:50:58

苦的是老百姓了 >-<
2017-02-05 12:41:24
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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