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老歌亂談(455)Oh What It Did to Me

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此為美國鄉村女歌手Tanya Tucker於1991所推出專輯《Tennessee Wonan》中的歌曲,獲鄉村單曲排行榜第12名。

Tanya Tucker最讓人樂道的應該是1980至1981和Glen Campbell所傳的緋聞 ( age 44 vs 21 ),其實和大咖歌手在一起鬧出新聞也不錯,也是個讓自己快速出名的方法。我看Tanya Tucker絕非是個一般所謂傳統派的女子,她曾替兩個男人生了三個孩子卻從未結婚。在音樂上,也是參與顛覆傳統Nashville鄉村音樂風格的「法外之徒」← Outlaw Country,而且是出現在名單上的唯一女性。

Tanya Tucker低沉、沙啞富磁性的嗓音,受到眾多歌迷的喜愛,也使得她迄今仍活躍於舞台。Tanya Tucker曾得到過不少座鄉村音樂相關獎項,而自1973至1994的21年間,共被提名8次葛萊美最佳鄉村女歌手,遺憾的是均未獲獎。

I saw you tonight
In her arms so tight
I watched as she held you tenderly
You say when she held you
It did nothing to you
But oh, what it did to me
You say when she kissed you
You didn't feel a thing
Well, I felt enough for all three
You want me to believe
It did nothing to you
But oh, what it did to me
And I felt the warm tears
Roll slowly down my face
As I watched another
Slowly take my place
And now it's all over
You want me to forget
And pretend that things are like they used to be
That it was just a kiss
That did nothing to you
But oh, what it did to me
You want me to believe
It did nothing to you
But oh, what it did to me, to me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(456)Look at Us
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(454)Help Me

2015-06-25 08:20:36
1973輸給了Donna Fargo的《The Happiest Girl in the Whole USA》
1975輸給了Anne Murray的《Love Song》
1981輸給了Oak Ridge Boys的《Elvira》(和Glen Campbell的二重唱)
1988輸給了K.T. Oslin的《80s Ladies》
1989再輸給了K.T. Oslin的《Hold Me》
1992輸給了Mary Chapin Carpenter的《Down at the Twist and Shoud》
1993輸給了Marty Stuart and Travis Tritt的《The Whiskey Ani't Workin'》(二重唱)
1994獲雙提名,再輸給了Mary Chapin Carpenter的《Passionate Kisses》以及Linda Davis and Reba McEntire的《Does He Love You》(最佳鄉村演唱合作)

2015-06-26 06:08:48
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