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老歌亂談(567) Luckenback Texas

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倘若人生某個階段有重新再來的機會,不知會否做出和當初不同的選擇?幾年前,看過一部由尼可拉斯凱吉主演的《The Family Man》( 台譯:扭轉奇蹟 ),一直都還有些印象。講的是男主角為了追尋理想而與女友分開,十三年後他事業有成,擁有名車華廈,但他真的擁有人生一切的美好了嗎?劇情讓他穿越時空,某日醒來時置身於和當年女友共組的家庭,除了個小Baby,還有個6歲的女兒叫他爸爸,而他自己也只是個穿著棉布衣賣輪胎的普通人。到底是高級的物質享受還是平實溫馨的生活較吸引他?最後,男主角覺得他還是離不開老婆和小孩。

這首《Luckenback Texas》所敘說的內容和前述電影有些相關。功成名就之後在高級的上流社會生活,真的會快樂嗎?寫歌者認為不僅常會哭個整天,也會有如世仇般的爭鬥 ( feuding like the Hatfields and McCoys )。故建議他的女人一起回到德州的小鎮Luckenback,重拾倆人最初始的愛情。

此曲為美國鄉村歌手Waylon Jennings於1977由其專輯《Ol' Waylon》中發行的首支單曲,除奪得了鄉村榜的冠軍寶座,在熱門榜也獲得了第25名。Waylon Jennings曾是Buddy Holly欲朝向製作人發展的第一位藝人,後也聘他擔任其樂隊的電貝士手。1959,Holly包租的「死亡班機」原也有Jennings的位子,但他自願讓給得了流感且抱怨巴士位子太小不舒服的J. P. Richardson ( 此老兄為大塊頭 ),因而逃過了墜機的死劫 ( The Day The Music Died )。最後,Waylon Jennings是在2002死於糖尿病的併發症,享年64歲。也算是多活了43年。

J.P. Richardson

歌曲的最後一段有出現Willie Nelson合唱的聲音,故影音封面圖片擺上Willie ( 右 ),也沒什麼好奇怪的。歌詞中的《Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain》也是Willie的歌曲,亂談曾介紹過。



The only two things in life that make it worth livin'
Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin' women
I don't need my name in the marquee lights
I got my song and I got you with me tonight
Maybe it's time we got back to the basics of love

Let's go to Luckenbach, Texas
With Waylon and Willie and the boys
This successful life we're livin'
Got us feuding like the Hatfields and McCoys
Between Hank Williams' pain songs and
Newberry's train songs and Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain
Out in Luckenbach, Texas ain't nobody feelin' no pain

So baby, let's sell your diamond ring
Buy some boots and faded jeans and go away
This coat and tie is choking me
In your high society you cry all day
We've been so busy keepin' up with the Jones
Four car garage and we're still building on
Maybe it's time we got back to the basics of love

Let's go to Luckenbach, Texas
With Waylon and Willie and the boys
This successful life we're livin' got us feudin'
Like the Hatfield and McCoys
Between Hank Williams' pain songs and
Newberry's train songs and Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain
Out in Luckenbach, Texas ain't nobody feelin' no pain

台長: 流浪阿狗
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