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老歌亂談(501)Highway to Hell

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AC / DC是1973由Malcolm和Angus Young兩兄弟所成立的澳洲搖滾樂團,樂團走的是硬式搖滾樂風。1976與Atlantic唱片公司簽約,開始作全球性的唱片銷售,並1977首度在美國曝光。

1979,AC / DC發行全球性第5張專輯《Highway to Hell》,終於有所起色,打進美國專輯排行榜第17名,也是該團當時銷售得最好的一張專輯。眼見情勢一片大好之際,該團的主唱Bon Scott卻於次年---1980死於飲酒過量的酒精中毒,享年33歲。這下子代誌大條了,由於之前Bon Scott替樂團帶來的不凡聲勢,使得樂團一度考慮是否要解散。後來決定重僱主唱,主動邀請一位之前大家並不熟悉,但曾聽Bon Scott談起,且口碑不錯的Brain Johnson來參與,而Brain Johnson也欣然接受。神奇的事情發生了,同年 ( 1980 ) 由Brain Johnson參與錄製的專輯《Back in Black》,出乎意料的在全球大賣了5000萬張,創下史上最佳銷售專輯的第2名,僅次於Michael Jackson1982的專輯《Thriller》。


我認為AC / DC的靈魂人物應該是彈主奏吉他的弟弟Angus Young,他以曾就讀的Ashfield Boys High School的制服作為個人的舞台造型商標,以及學著Chuck Berry的招牌「鴨子步」,不僅有趣也相當吸睛。哥哥Malcolm因身體狀況,終於在2014退休,由姪子Stevie Young接替。目前樂團仍在巡迴演唱及持續發燒中。

Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everything in my stride
Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I'd rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too, yeah

I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell
highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell

No stop signs, speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me round
Hey satan, payed my dues
Playing in a rocking band
Hey momma, look at me
Im on my way to the promised land

I'm on the highway to hell
highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
highway to hell

Don't stop me
yeah, yeah, owwww

I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to...HELL
highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
highway to hell
highway to hell
highway to hell
momma, highway to highway to hell

And I'm going down, all the way down
I'm on the highway to hell

台長: 流浪阿狗
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