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2016-05-30 16:21:46| 人氣8,430| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(583)Send Me A Letter Amanda

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這首不是老歌,是無意間聽到的新歌。是Hallur Joensen 2013的專輯《With Stars & Legends》中的歌曲。關於Hallur Joensen這位老兄的資料不多, 只知出生於1967,家鄉為丹麥領地海外自治區---法羅群島 ( Faroe Islands )。至於合唱此曲的The Bellamy Brothers,則是在1976以《Let Your Love Flow》一曲成名,而在以下所貼的影音中,兩兄弟都已是60多歲的人了。

好聽的鄉村歌曲常被用作跳Line Dance的音樂,這首在YouTube上就有七、八團。而有點遺憾的是,尚未找到這首歌的歌詞。( 歌詞補附。2018/10/25 )

I still remember we got together
A romance was hot
I recall
I was at grandma's but when school was starting
I had to come back in the fall
You gave me your address and I started writing at least every couple of days
And out by the mailbox
I watched for the mailman with anticipation I'd say
I said hey send me a letter Amanda
I said hey send me a letter today

I said hey send me a letter Amanda
Tell me you love me or tell me it's over
I need to know either way
My friends called me crazy my family all gave me suggestions and friendly advice
They talked about absence and how hearts go fonder
And fish in the sea they were nice
Pretty girls flirted and I was alerted
Some thought I was handsome and sweet
But I was determined to wait for a letter out by the box on the street
I said hey send me a letter Amanda
I said hey send me a letter today
I said hey send me a letter Amanda
Tell me you love me or tell me it's over
I need to know either way
Now he's older the years have flown by him
So much have changed since back then
He makes his music and rides in a big bus
And flies round the world with his band
The papers and TV says nice things about him his songs are a picture of life
And girls so is this one and we are so thankful that we are singing with him tonight
I said hey send me a letter Amanda
I said hey send me a letter today
I said hey send me a letter Amanda
We'll send you some flowers me David and Howard and a brand new CD right away
We'll send you some flowers me David and Howard and a brand new CD right away

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(584)Everything Is Beautiful
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(582)Heartaches By The Number

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