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老歌亂談(949)School Days

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美國女子搖滾樂團The Runaways的成立,是在1975的後半年,因15歲的Sandy West ( 鼓手 ) 和16歲的Joan Jett( 旋律吉他手 ) 分別向唱片製作人Kim Fowley推薦自己,經Fowley提供連絡電話,倆人因而認識,並萌生出組女子搖滾樂團的想法。剛開始是和貝士手Micki Steele成立三人組合,後又加入主奏吉他手Lita Ford及主唱Cherie Currie,而沒過多久Micki Steele被踢出樂團,由Peggy Foster取代,但才一個月,Foster又離開,再由Jackie Fox頂替,此時,樂團成員才算到齊,並在1976與Mercury唱片公司簽約。

The Runaways in 1976 (自左上順時鐘): Lita Ford, Sandy West, Jackie Fox, Joan Jett, Cherie Currie

The Runaways一共出過4張錄音室專輯及1張赴日本巡演的現場專輯,並另發行16首單曲。說來令人難以置信,這些作品在美國幾乎算是全軍覆沒,沒有一首歌曲進入排行榜百名內的,其中只有一首《Cherry Bomb》拿下了日本排行榜的冠軍。而此首1977的《School Days》,其實也不錯聽,但也只勉強得到比利時排行榜的第29名 ( 該時Cherie Currie已離團 )。

1979,The Runaways才成立三年多就解散了,主要原因應該還是唱片不賣錢。再,雖然成員個人的音樂素質都頗優,但由於之間缺乏友情的基礎,容易造成紛爭。後也因樂團發展的路線意見岐異 ( 重金屬或龐克?),終至散夥。

樂團解散後,成員都還在流行音樂界發展,也享有各自的一片天。而The Runaways成立的推手Sandy West,卻因肺癌於2006先向天國報到,享年47歲。

亂談(422)I Hate Myself For Loving You

Used to be the trouble maker
Hated homework, was a sweet heart breaker
But now I have my dream
I'm so rowdy for eighteen
Never read a single book
Hated homework and the dirty looks
But now I live my life
There's a lot I've seen at eighteen, oh yeah
School days, school days
I'm older now and what will I find about my
School day, school days
I'm starting to slip, I'm losin' my mind
Used to be the wild one
Hated class only lived for fun
I'm mean and got my schemes
At the crazy age of eighteen
Never made the honor roll
Hated rules what I was told
Now I am almost free
It's a dangerous scene when you're eighteen, oh yeah
School days, school days
I'm older now and what will I find about my
School day, school days
I'm starting to slip, I'm losin' my mind
School days, school days
I'm older now and what will I find about my
School day, school days
I'm starting to slip, I'm losin' my mind
School days, school days
I'm older now and what will I find about my
School day, school days
I'm starting to slip, I'm losin' my mind
School days, school days
I'm older now and what

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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