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老歌亂談(948)Tear Me Apart

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Suzi Quatro於1950出生自底特律的義裔家庭,父親為半職業的音樂人,Suzi 7、8歲時即上台參與父親的爵士樂團的演出 ( 打爵士鼓或是用手敲擊的bongo、congas鼓 ),14歲時,加入姊姊所組成的車庫搖滾女子樂團The Pleasure Seekers ( 尋歡者 ),後被英國的唱片製作人發掘,於1971單獨赴英國發展。

The Pleasure Seekers ( 前排左2為Suzi Quatro )

原本,Suzi Quatro被期望可取代女歌手Janis Joplin ( 1970因吸毒過量意外身亡 / 27歲 ),但後來還是做回自己。自1973起,Suzi Quatro推出多首暢銷曲,像是《Can the Can》、《Devil Gate Drive》、《48Crash》等,以及1978與Smokie樂團的主唱Chris Norman合唱的《Stumblin' In》( 打進美國排行榜第4名 ),也奠定了她在英國的搖滾女歌手的地位。

Janis Joplin

Suzi Quatro在英國的成功,不知和她全身皮衣的造型是否有關 ( Smokie樂團和Suzi是相同的製作團隊,也曾被建議作皮衣裝扮,但被拒絕。)?其實看Suzi穿皮衣,反倒會想起在更早之前的1968,唱紅《As Tears Go By》的英國女歌手Marianne Faithfull和法國演員Alain Delon合演的電影《The Girl on a Motorcycle》( 台譯:愛你想你恨你 ),影片中,Marianne Faithfull即是全身皮衣造型,且似未穿內衣,令人遐想不已。Alain Delon ( 亞蘭德倫 ) 這位帥哥,當年已成為了「美男子」的代名詞,後有Brad Pitt ( 布萊德彼特 ) 的竄出,而現今不知又換成是哪位韓國歐巴了?!

Marianne Faithfull在《The Girl On a Motorcycle》中的造型

Alain Delon 在片中與Marianne Faithfull調情

此首《Tear Me Apart》為1977發行的單曲,成績也不差,在英國排行榜獲得第27名。Tear的名詞為「眼淚」,動詞則有「撕裂」之意。歌詞中主要的這句「Tear me apart if you want to win my heart」--- 假如你要贏得我的心,就將我撕開吧!有鼓勵對方放膽來追的意思 (?) 問題是,有些美貌但鋒頭太健的女生,的確是會讓乖乖牌男生望而卻步的。

亂談(202)As Tears Go By

亂談(239) Stumblin' In

Straight out of Texas down around San Antone
Straight out of heaven sweeter than you've ever known
Don't let me hear that sweet kid's name
Get your hands on me
I'll drive you insane
So tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Well I've been seen in the back of a limousine
I may not own it but it's bigger than you've ever seen
She'll ride around and think she's a star
If you please she's a tease you won't get far
So tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Tear me apart if you ever wanna win my heart
I'll make your legs start shakin' everytime you hear my name
There'll be no heartbreackin' and you know you never be the same
Don't talk to me about the Louisiana Sue
'Cause she can't do the things that I can do
So tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Tear ma apart if you ever wanna win my heart
I'm gonna say goodbye to the lights of San Antone
I'm he'ading HolIywood high and there I'm gonna make my home
Now I don't give a damn what they think they've seen
'Cause they ain't seen nothing like the Texas Queen
So tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Tear me apart if you wanna win my heart
Tear me apart if you wanna win my heart

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(949)School Days
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