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老歌亂談(339)Everything I Own

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這首歌是美國抒情搖滾樂團Bread ( 麵包合唱團 ) 的主唱David Gates所寫,並收錄於該樂團於1972年發行的專輯《Baby I'm-a Want You》中。

依據〈1000 UK #1 Hits〉這本書中作者的說法,David Gates在他父親的葬禮上,有朋友將他拉到一旁並對他說:『你的父親對於你的成就是如此的感到驕傲。』David附和著回應:『是呀!由於父親對我有極大的影響力,所以我的成功對他來說也別具意義,因此我決定寫這首有關於他的《Everything I Own》。』

這首歌在1972獲告示牌熱門百大的第5名。1974有位牙買加的歌手Ken Booth以較柔和的雷鬼唱法翻唱此曲 ( 歌名改為Anything I Own ),竟然獲得英國排行榜的冠軍。1987英國歌手Boy George以舞曲樂風翻唱此曲,亦再於英國排行榜奪魁。

Bread樂團成立於1968年,其中也歷經兩次分合,至1997解散迄今 ( 原始團員除David Gates外,其餘三位的吉他手、鼓手、貝士手已分別於2005及2009過世。)。期間他們共有13首進入熱門百大的歌曲,其中像《Make It With You》、《If》、《Baby I'm -a Want You》等幾首也都還不錯聽,下次再來貼。

You sheltered me from harm.
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, Set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you
And I would give anything I own,
Would give up my life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you once again.
You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of.
You never said too much,
But still you showed the way,
And I knew from watching you.
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that can't let go.
And I would give anything I own,
Would give up my life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you once again.
Is there someone you know,
You're loving them so,
But taking them all for granted.
You may lose them one day,
Someone takes them away,
And they don't hear the words you long to say
I would give anything I own,
Would give up my life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you...... back again.
Just to touch you once again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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