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老歌亂談(929)Still In Love With You

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出生於1950年的英國歌手Chris Norman,在7歲時就已擁有了他的第一把吉他,而他的音樂啟蒙則是受到了貓王Elvis Presley與黑人歌手Little Richard等人的影響。幼年時隨著父母在英格蘭到處搬遷,前後共讀過9所學校,直至1962搬回母親的故鄉Bradford ( 布拉德福德 ),在該地的學校,遇到了日後組成Smokie樂團的成員Alan Silson和Terry Uttley。

1964,Chris、Alan、Terry及另位朋友Ron Kelly組成了他們的首個樂團,在1968改團名為The Elizabethans並簽約成為全職職業樂團之前,他們曾用過多個團名,像是:The Yen、Essence、Long Side Down。1973,鼓手Ron Kelly離開換成了Pete Spencer,也是之後Smokie的幾位正式成員。

從1974到1980年代早期,應是Smokie樂團最成功活躍的時期,吉他手兼主唱的Chris也成了樂團的靈魂人物。1978,Chris個人和赴英發展的美國女歌手Suzi Quarto合唱了一首《Stumblin' In》,在美國告示牌排行榜拿下了第4名。也因要經常離家赴各處巡演,造成Chris不少的壓力,而想多花些時間在寫歌及錄音間。1986,Chris終於離團單飛。

此首《Still In Love With You》收錄在Chris於1994發行的專輯《The Album》中。在愛情被分手後,仍然愛著對方?那真的是痛徹心扉的感受。可惜治療失戀沒有良方,只有靠自己堅強的走出,或是讓時間慢慢地來撫平傷痛了。


亂談(239)Stumblin' In

原聲演唱(?)的音效就差了些 (2004)

I get the same old feeling
Whenever I’m with you
What else can I do
I can’t help it
I can’t help it
I’m still in love with you
I get the same old yearning
When you are by my side
Oh it’s a feeling I can’t hide
I can’t help it
No I can’t help it
I can’t help it
Oh baby I can’t help it
I’m still in love with you
No one thrills me like you do
No one hurts as much as you
(In a long and lonely night)
Oh I wake up calling out your name
‘Cos since you’ve gone
Nothing seems the same
Believe me darlin’
Ooh, ooh
Nothing seems the same, baby
I can’t help it
Oh I can’t help it
I’m still in love with you
Oh listen to what I say, baby
No one thrills me like you do
No one hurts as much as you
(In a long and lonely night)
I wake up calling out your name
You know since you’ve gone
Nothing seems the same
No, no, ooh
I get the same old feeling
Whenever I’m with you
But what am I gonna do
I can’t help it
I can’t help it
I can’t help it
Oh baby, I can’t help it
I’m still in love with you
(Same old feeling)
Oh, I’m still in love with you
(Same old feeling)
Believe me baby
I’m still in love, still in love with you
(Same old feeling)
I’m still in love with you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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