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2017-12-03 09:57:46

Eight Ways to Turn Reps into Creative Thinkers

Eight Ways to Turn Reps into Creative Thinkers by: MICHAEL MICHALKOfrom: Selling Power 1. Encourage daily improvement. Ask your team to concentrate on improving just one selling skill each day. At t...

2017-11-17 14:20:16

沒有動態同理心 註定了你當不好CEO

沒有動態同理心註定了你當不好CEO from: 世界經理人互動社區1.正視問題,消除顧慮 如果你想要一對一地展開問題的討論,那就不要有所掩飾。如果你發覺有人猶豫不決,不知道要不要迎接挑戰,那你就應該正視這個問題了...

2017-10-17 14:15:14

9 Simple Reminders That Will Make You a Better Leader

9 Simple Reminders That Will Make You a Better Leader by: Gordon Tredgold from: Inc. 1. As you don't do much of the actual work, focus on making life easier for your teams, rather than harder. 2. ...

2017-09-22 13:56:06


客戶的這7種謊言,老練的銷售一眼就能看破! by: 秦嶺from: 世界經理人 謊言1:“我能拍板!”這是最典型的謊話。其衍生版還包括“不用找別人談,跟我談就行”。弔詭的是,說這話的人常常不覺...

2017-09-19 17:31:54

5 Ways You Can Create a More Inclusive Workplace Immediately

5 Ways You Can Create a More Inclusive Workplace Immediatelyby:Frans Johansson from: Entrepreneur1. Bounce an idea off of someone unexpected in your office.Companies are structured for narrow executi...

2017-08-24 13:49:08


那些老闆教會我的8件事by:游舒帆from: smartM 1.關於休息 請助理的目的很多種,其中之一是幫你節省時間,如果他能讓你每天多1-2小時的時間休息,你腦袋就能更正常運轉,對公司的幫助就非常大。 2.關於找秘書或助...

2017-08-24 10:39:19

8 招教你聰明處理「難搞」的人

別讓他人的情緒,影響你的專業!8 招教你聰明處理「難搞」的人by: Evefrom: 經理人Image: D.Araki x Miyabi1. 設下限制 愛抱怨或負面的人只會沉浸在問題中,不想解決問題。他們想要別人加入他們的抱怨大會,這樣他們...

2017-08-10 15:27:59

6 Things You Must Quit Doing Now

6 Things You Must Quit Doing Now If You Want to Be More Successfulby:TRAVIS BRADBERRYfrom: Entrepreneur1. Quit doubting yourself.Confidence plays a huge role in success. Hewlett-Packard conducted an i...

2017-08-10 15:16:07


超過半數的員工,因為「不受賞識」而離職!想留才,主管該常做的5件事 by: 王德平 from: 經理人 讚美員工可以說是最簡單用於激勵他們的辦法。有神經科學研究成果指出,員工渴望在工作環境中感到安全、渴望被需要和...

2017-07-14 10:28:55

7 Ways to Sincerely Encourage Your Employees

7 Ways to Sincerely Encourage Your Employees by:Beth Millerfrom: Entrepreneur 1. Ask them what help they need. 2. Coach them to discover choices. 3. Recognize their small incremental wins. 4. Tha...

2017-06-16 06:30:25

10 Qualities Separating the Extraordinary Salesperson

10 Qualities Separating the Extraordinary Salesperson Apart From the Pack by:SHERRIE CAMPBELL from: Entrepreneur 1. Product knowledge 2. Passionate 3. Organized 4. Hungry 5. Personable ...

2017-05-28 01:47:50

Is Your Business Growing Too Fast?

Is Your Business Growing Too Fast? 7 Ways to Prepare for the Future by:John Ramptonfrom: Inc. 1. Build a strong foundation. 2. Have your finances in order. 3. Keep your existing customers happy....

2017-05-14 03:53:49

6 Ways to Handle Rapid Growth

6 Ways to Handle Rapid Growthby:Sheila Eugeniofrom: Entrepreneur1. Understand the cause of growth. If your small business is experiencing rapid growth, clearly, you're doing something right. Pinpoint...

2017-04-25 13:59:17


銷量下滑的十個昏招,你中了幾個? by: 史賢龍 from: 世界經理人互動社區 銷量下滑的根本原因,也是核心症狀,只有一個:產品賣不動了。也就是說,要解剖銷量下滑的根源,唯一的方法是從“產品的銷量資料&...

2017-04-14 16:52:07

9 Things That Make Good People Quit

9 Things That Make Good People Quit by:TRAVIS BRADBERRY from: Entrepreneur 1. They overwork people. 2. They don’t recognize contributions and reward good work. 3. They fail to develop peopl...

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