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2017-04-14 13:56:04


改變自己的「年收入」,你不可不知的8個觀念 by:知識家編輯部 from: 知識家 1.決定了工作領域,就已經決定了年收入的上限 當你選擇了某份工作,就某種程度上就已經決定了你的收入上限,如果你的工作是公務員,就...

2017-03-26 00:12:30

How to Accelerate Learning on Your Team

How to Accelerate Learning on Your Teamby:Elizabeth Dotyfrom: strategy+business Shorten the loop. According to scholars such as David A. Kolb and Walter Shewhart, real-life learning occurs in a loo...

2017-03-08 11:29:09


最高明的帶人技術,就是「領導」!FB 產品設計副總領悟的 5 大管理迷思by:妍蓉from: 經理人 有著 7 年管理經驗的 Julie Zhou 為臉書產品設計副總。年僅 32 歲的他,加入臉書 3 年後便接管產品設計團隊主管一職,不只...

2017-02-13 17:16:44


9種惡質的肢體語言,讓你不知不覺得罪所有人 by:高士閔 from: 經理人 Image:博客來 1. 雙腳站開開,是要打架嗎 你曾經「兩手插腰,雙腳大開」地面對在聽你說話的人嗎?由於把這個動作會佔據非常大的空間,所以一不...

2017-01-18 16:09:31

與小人對話前該知道的 7 個原則

與小人對話前該知道的 7 個原則by:Gitte Härterfrom: 經理人Image: 博客來 馴服小人的七個對話信條 1. 速戰速決! 如果有人跨越了你的一條重要界線,與對方溝通此事的時間點是越快越好。如果可以的話應當...

2016-12-27 14:17:25

20 Management Tips

20 Management Tips That Will Transform You Into An Amazing Leader by:Joe Griffin from: Entrepreneur Image: 小學課本的逆襲1. Never give up. 2. The people around you are everything. 3. Be both a ...

2016-12-27 11:19:57


老是不敢提加薪?5招無壓說服術,輕鬆跟老闆開口談錢by:吳品萱from: SmartM Image: Internet回顧今年一年,你覺得自己的表現,從看得見的績效數字到無形的領導,都有明確的貢獻。加薪⋯⋯該輪到我了吧?如果主管沒...

2016-12-15 15:09:28

12 Secrets to Supercharging Your Personal Brand

12 Secrets to Supercharging Your Personal Brandfrom: Entrepreneur1. Turn yourself into a superstar.2. Publish, publish, publish.3. Pretend you're making a blockbuster show.4. Publish your own report.5...

2016-11-29 11:16:43

9 Powerful Ways to Lead by Example

9 Powerful Ways to Lead by Exampleby:MURRAY NEWLANDSfrom:EntrepreneurImage:www.facebook.com/joancornella 1. Get your hands dirty. When you sit back and dictate to others what you want done without b...

2016-11-07 15:30:11

8 Must-Dos to Mindfully Hustle Your Way

8 Must-Dos to Mindfully Hustle Your Way to Your Next Big Thing by: Patricia Fletcher from: Inc. 1. Keep your eyes on your next move while respecting your current role. 2. Focus as much on bu...

2016-10-20 14:15:08

22 Qualities That Make a Great Leader

22 Qualities That Make a Great Leader by: Adam and Jordan Bornstein from: Entrepreneur 1. Focus 2. Confidence 3. Transparency 4.Integrity 5. Inspiration 6. Passion 7. Innovation 8. Patience ...

2016-10-20 12:44:44


工作中的賽局理論!談判把握6要訣,合作機會大增by:陳立唐from: 經理人 1. 贏就守、輸就變 無論先前是選擇合作或不合作策略,只要得到好結果,下個階段就維持前一回合的策略。反之如果損失,則下回合就必須改變策...

2016-09-21 16:13:48

15 Things Your Boss Is Tired of Hearing

15 Things Your Boss Is Tired of Hearingby: John Boitnottfrom: EntrepreneurImage: Shutterstock.com You may have a very specific job description, but employees excel by doing whatever it takes to make ...

2016-09-14 17:26:18

5 Questions You Need to Answer

5 Questions You Need to Answer Before Choosing a Franchiseby: Kyle Zagrodzkyfrom:Entrepreneur 1. What is your professional background? Franchising is such an interesting business model because it at...

2016-09-13 13:40:16



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