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2017-10-07 17:20:29
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2011-11-16 10:49:45
2011-05-21 16:39:01
2011-05-22 15:37:10

Obama and Black Americans: the Paradox of Hope

Published on The Nation (http://www.thenation.com) Obama and Black Americans: the Paradox of Hope Gary Younge | May 18, 2011 When Barack Obama was pondering a run for the ...

2011-05-22 15:34:33

Curbing Campaign Cash

Published on The Nation (http://www.thenation.com) Curbing Campaign Cash The Editors | May 19, 2011 The post–Citizens United drive for secret campaign money has now become ...

2011-05-21 16:39:01

"I'm Not Good" or "Yes I Can"

好的老師,應該要協助學生建立起自信、自我期許,讓他相信”Yes I Can!” 尤其當外界的「排名」其實是個屁的時候。I’m Not Good, or Yes I Can?常聽到在私立大學教書的朋友、師長,說:「我們學校學生真的跟你們不一...

2011-05-20 16:27:31

They Need to Be Counted

May 19, 2011They Need to Be CountedIt was a relief to see one politician showing political courage and sense in Albany this week. Of course, that politician was Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York Cit...

2011-05-20 16:15:06

Making Things in America

May 19, 2011Making Things in AmericaByPAUL KRUGMANSome years ago, one of my neighbors, an émigré Russian engineer, offered an observation about his adopted country. “America seems very rich,” he s...

2011-05-20 10:33:22

Senate Republicans block judicial nominee Goodwin Liu

Washington PostSenate Republicans block judicial nominee Goodwin Liu By Paul Kane, Published: May19 | Updated: Friday, May20, 2:35AM Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the nomin...

2011-05-20 10:23:33

Justice in Dreamland

May 18, 2011, 9:42 pm Justice in Dreamland By LINDA GREENHOUSE Linda Greenhouse on the Supreme Court and the law. Tags: Fourth Amendment, justice samuel alito, Supreme Court ...

2011-05-20 10:06:32


Obama's Speech on Mideast Policy (video)Transcript: Full TextMay 19, 2011 Obama’s Mideast Speech Following is a text of President Obama’s speech on the Middle East, deliver...

2011-05-19 19:13:01



2011-05-19 19:03:56


捍衛新移民工作權 馬英九政見落空 新移民工作破洞 移民/移住人權修法聯盟 20110520 記者會 2011年5月20日,是馬英九總統就職三週年,馬總統於競選時宣示的「陽光女人‧兩性共治」政見卻一再落空。其中...

2011-05-19 14:11:32

Cornel West v. Barack Obama

Cornel West v. Barack ObamaMelissa Harris-Perry | May 17, 2011Professor Cornel West is President Obama’s silenced, disregarded, disrespected moral conscience, according to Chris Hedges’s recentTruth...

2011-05-19 14:10:41


White House Seeks Executive Order to Expose Anonymous Political SpendingGeorge Zornick | May 18, 2011In an emailblast[1]to supporters this week, former Sen. Russ Feingold decried “legislators who are...

2011-05-19 13:59:39

Private Prisons Found to Offer Little in Savings

「私監獄」在美國被認為可以省成本...但實證顯示,根本沒有比較省。民眾智慧(popular wisdom)其實是錯的。「外包」「私有化」真的未必是想像中那麼「省」而「有效率」......一切都還要看怎麼設計制度!May 18, 201...

2011-05-19 09:51:02

Wagons North


2011-05-17 20:01:23

Faulty Towers: The Crisis in Higher Education

Published on The Nation (http://www.thenation.com) Faulty Towers: The Crisis in Higher Education William Deresiewicz | May 4, 2011 A few years ago, when I was still teachi...

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