Washington Post
By Paul Kane, Published: May 19 |
Updated: Friday, May 20, 2:35 AM
Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the nomination of President
Obama’s nominee to a high-profile federal appellate court, the first
time Republicans have ever united to successfully filibuster a judicial
On a 52 to 43 vote, law professor Goodwin Liu fell
eight votes short of the 60 needed to overcome a GOP filibuster to his
nomination. All but one Republican, Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, opposed
ending debate on Liu’s nomination to the San Francisco-based U.S. Court
of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.
In blocking Liu’s confirmation,
Republicans have now joined Democrats in supporting filibusters of
judicial nominees, something many of them contended was unconstitutional
just six years ago when they unsuccessfully sought to change rules to
forbid such actions.
During the debate over Liu, Senate Majority
Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) read past statements by senators such as
Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who in 2005 vowed to “never filibuster any
president’s judicial nominee.”
“Never is as unambiguous as it gets,” Reid said when closing debate.
Reid had his own inconsistencies to deal with. Six years ago he
proclaimed that filibusters were a vital tool to prevent either party
from having “total control.”
The result of Thursday’s vote, some
senators said, is that both parties have now embraced a standard that
filibusters of lifetime appointments to the circuit courts and the
Supreme Court are acceptable.
Liu prompted the full ideological rhetoric that has been commonplace in judicial nomination battles for the past 25 years.
praised Liu’s life story — the son of Taiwanese immigrants who became a
Rhodes scholar and Supreme Court clerk — as an example of the American
dream. Liberals view him as the sort of aggressive jurist that they have not seen in Obama’s most prominent judicial selections so far.
however, excoriated Liu’s writings while serving as a law professor at
the University of California at Berkeley, saying he adopted a legal
standard of “empathy” that encouraged judges to try to view cases
through the perspective of the people appearing before them, rather than
through a strict reading of the law.
“What do Mr. Liu’s writings
reveal? Put simply, they reveal a left-wing ideologue who views the
role of a judge not as that of an impartial arbiter, but as someone who
views the bench as a position of power,” Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
(R-Ky.) said. He called some of Liu’s views “repugnant.”
Underlying the debate was Liu’s testimony
at the 2006 Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Samuel A. Alito Jr.
“Judge Alito’s record envisions an America where police may shoot and
kill an unarmed boy to stop him from running away with a stolen purse . . . where a black man may be sentenced to death by an all-white jury for killing a white man,” Liu wrote.
tipped the balance for Alexander, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and
several other Republicans who cast their first votes ever to support a
filibuster of a judicial nominee.
“He went after the man. He went
after the man saying, ‘This man represents a bad side of America because
of his philosophy.’ I’m not going to tolerate that,” Graham told
reporters after the vote. “You don’t have to accept conservative legal
thought. I don’t accept liberal legal thought, but I don’t have disdain
for the people who embrace it.”
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