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【書介】Theatre Today

推薦 1 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

Michael Haridy.  Theatre Today.  Gaze on Publishing, 2013.








值得一提的是,書中的第71頁至73頁,介紹的是北京人民藝術劇院(Beijing People’s Art Theatre),這是書中唯一介紹的華人劇團,除了眾所週知的招牌戲《茶館》、《雷雨》、《日出》、《天下第一樓》之外,當然 也提及了那些標誌性的創作者名字:曹禺、老舍、焦菊隱、林兆華、何冀平、郭啟宏、顧威、任鳴、宋丹丹、龔麗君,似乎沒寫到濮存昕。不過等我點進其推薦的連結網址http://youtu.be/9Q87_mrjYKQ之後,才發現他是影片中的某位主要受訪者;更有趣的是,這個由香港電台(RTHK)所製播的短片,主要在介紹北京除了人藝之外,年輕白領現正趨之若騖的是這幾年方興未艾的「減壓喜劇」,從這本書的介紹與劇場趨勢脈動掌握的角度來看,可以視為作者將減壓喜劇視為當前及未來中國劇場的發展走向之一,從我的理解來看,這個脈把得八九不離十,而且看起來短期間之內,應該還不會有什麼太大的變化。


我必須承認我大概只知道書中不到三十個團體,而且多半是1960年代外百老匯及外外百老匯運動中就已經成立的團體,其它非美國的團體則認識的更少,差不多就只有Berliner EnsembleComédie-FrançaiseCompliciteDV8 Physical TheatreMoscow Art TheatreOdin TeatretRoyal Shakespeare CompanyYoung Vic等而已,可謂孤陋寡聞,令人汗顏。







3-Legged Dog, Al Harah Theatre, AlleyTheatre, American Conservatory Theater, American Theater Company, Angel ExitTheatre, ARed Orchid Theatre, ARKA Theatre, ASHTAR Theatre, Asian AmericanTheater Company, Asylum Theatre Company, Auckland Theatre Company, AuseklisLimbazi Theatre, Backa Theatre, Bedlam Theatre, Beijing People’s Art Theatre,Bell Shakespeare, Berliner Ensemble, Big Art Group, Bilingual Acting Workshop,BirdLand Theatre, Black Ensemble Theater, Blast Theory, Blood Ensemble, BostonExperimental Theatre Company, Bread and Puppet Theater, Bristol ExperimentalTheatre Company, Bungakuza, Bush Theatre, Cameri Theatre, Catherine WheelsTheatre, Chicago Dramatists, Chicago Fusion Theatre, Chickenshed, ChocolateFactory Theater, Classic Stage Company, Comédie-Française, Complicite,Cornerstone Theater Company, Coterie Theatre, Creation Theatre, Curio TheatreCompany, deep ellum ensemble, Dell’Arte International, Dixon Place, Double EdgeTheatre, Dramaten, Druid Theatre Company, DV8 Physical Theatre, Dynamic NewAnimation, El-Warsha, Elastic Theatre, Elevator Repair Service, EXIT Theatre,Exit Theatre Company, EXITheatre, Experimental Theatre Wing, FerociousMonsters, Fevered Sleep, Firework Theater, First Stage, Fishamble TheatreCompany, Foolsgold Theatre Company, Forced Entertainment, Forward TheatreProject, Fugard Theatre, Gaiety Theatre, GALA Hispanic Theatre, Gate Theatre,Gomito Productions, Goodman Theatre, Graeae Theatre Company, Grateful CraneEnsemble, Great Canadian Theatre Company, GreenStage, Greenwich Theatre,Griffin Theatre Company, Habima, Halcyon Theatre, Hampstead Theatre, HeartlandTheatre Company, Hebbel am Ufer Theatre, HERE Arts centre, Het Filiaal, Hewar,Hoipolloi, Horse + Bamboo Theatre, Hotel Pro forma, Ilkhom Theatre, IncubatorArts Project, Infinithéâtre, Interactive TheatreInternational, Intersection for the Arts, IRAA Theatre, Irondale Ensemble,Izumi Ashizawa Performance, Jobsite Theater, KAGE, Kali Theatre, Kneehigh, Knjaževsko-srpski teatar, Kumu Kahua Theatre, La MaMa, La Mama Australia,Laboratory Theatre, Lamb’s Players Theatre, Lark, Legs On The Wall, Les FreresCorbusier, LIDA Project, Living Theatre Conservatory, M6 Theatre Company, MabouMines, Malthouse Theatre, Manbites Dog Theater, Margolis Brown AdaptorsCompany, MCC Theater, Medicine Show Theatre Ensemble, Melbourne Theatre Company,Miracle Theatre, Miracle Theatre Company, Moscow Art Theatre, Motionhouse,Mugwumpin, Mummenschanz, Nandikar, New Ohio Theatre, New Paradise Laboratories,New World Performance Laboratory, New York City Players, No Shame Theatre, OdinTeatret, Old Red Lion Theatre, One Year Lease Theater, One Yellow RabbitPerformance Theatre, Onelight Theatre, Ontological-Hysteric Theater, Open FistTheatre Company, Open Theatre Company, Osadia, Oxford Playhouse, OZFrankTheatre, Patch Theatre Company, Peace theatre group, Peculiar Works Project,People Show, Pig Iron Theatre, Pilot Theatre, Ping Chong & Company, PoorDog Group, Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble, Princeton Triangle Club,Provincetown Theatre Company, Public Theater, Punchdrunk, Quest Theatre,Radiohole, Reduced Shakespeare Company, Rennie Harris Puremovement,Riksteatern, Rough Magic Theatre Company, Roughshod Theatre Company, RoundaboutTheatre Company, Royal Court Theatre, Royal National Theatre, Royal ShakespeareCompany, SABAB Theatre, Second Impression Theatre Co., Shakespeare TheatreCompany, Shiki Theatre Company, SITI Company, Skewed Visions, Small WoodenShoe, Soho Rep, Soho Theatre, Sojourn Theatre, Sphinx Theatre Company, Spike Theatre,Spymonkey, Stan Actors Company, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Stolen ChairTheatre Company, Sydney Theatre Company, Synetic Theater, T.r.a.s.h, TalawaTheatre Company, Tamasha Theatre Company, Teatrincorso, Teatro del Picadero,Teatro Nucleo, Teatro Potlach, Tectonic Theater Project, Temporary Distortion,The Blank Theatre Company, The Builder Association, The Church of Earthalujah,The Civilians, The Debate Society, The Fine Print Theatre Company, The FinnishNational Theatre, The Flea Theatre, The Independent Eye, The Lions part, TheNeo-Futurists, The Other Theatre, The Riot Group, The Satori Group, The TalkingBand, The The National Theater of the USA, The Theo Adams Company, The Winter Project,The Wooster Group, Theater OObleck, Theatre B, Theatre Calgary, TheatreCharlotte, Theatre de l’Ange Fou, Theatre du Reve, Theatre for Young Audiences,Theatre Passe Muraille, Theatre Uncut, Theatre503, TheatreWorks, Théatre du Rêve Expérimental, Théâtre de La Veillée, Tron Theatre Company, UjimaCompany, Undermain Theatre, Uninvited Guests, Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company,Victory Gardens Theater, Village Playhouse, Volcano Theatre, WaxFactor, Writers’Theatre, Yes Theatre, Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company, Young Vic, Yours TrulyTheatre, Z Space, Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre.

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