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七道聖火 The Seven Sacred Flames (中文版)

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(以下翻譯節錄自<The Seven Sacred Flames七道聖火>一書中,
書中為Telos的大祭司Adama口述,Aurelia Louise Jones紀錄)

The Seven Flames of God for Seven Days





星期天, 黃色光,增強智慧、明心見性、神的心智











揚昇(Ascension)就像是煉金術式的神聖婚姻、一場神聖的結合;經過一連串不斷地淨化累世業力能量,祂結合了你的人類自我以及你的神聖存有 I AM Presence。專注在淨化和清理所有的負面能量、錯誤的信念、貧乏的態度和習慣,所有會阻礙你成為靈性主宰的事物;讓你的能量場域、所有身體、心智、情緒和乙太體的細胞分子,都沉浸在這股純淨、耀眼的白色揚昇火焰中。當你在冥想時,對著所有的光芒重複同樣的動作,這是你提升靈性成長的基礎




<中文翻譯書已經出版了喔!書名為: 地心文明桃樂市的終極教導 七道神聖火燄:一週啟動神性潛能 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010641705>

1.有關Telos, Adama的簡介,請參考<紫焰聖殿冥想文>




At this time, I want to give you a shortoverview of the seven major rays. It would be very beneficial for each of youto focus each day in the energies of one of the seven major rays that flood theplanet from Creator Source on that day. All energies of the seven rays floodthe planet daily, but each day of the week, one of the rays becomespredominant.

Working with the seven rays in this mannerwill assist you, in a most profound way, to balance the energies of the sevenrays in each one of your charkas throughout your life, and will bring you muchgreater balance and grace. In the process of ascension and enlightenment, allseven major rays and later on, the five Secret Rays, must be balanced andmastered in order to move on to greater wisdom and mastery in your cosmicfuture.

In Telos, we work much more effectivelyeach day by amplifying in our hearts, our minds and our daily activities thespecific energies of each day of the week. We invite you to experiment withthis. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover how much more effectively theenergies are amplified and how they assist you. 

Sunday, the Yellow Ray of Wisdom,Illumination and the Mind of God is amplified.

Focus on the Mind of God daily in allthings, but specifically on Sunday. The Divine Mind will open your own mind toever expanding Wisdom. True wisdom always comes from the mind of higherperspective and consciousness. As you merge this divine mind with your own, youbegin to make decisions and conduct your life in ways that will bring you muchease and satisfaction.

Monday, the Royal Blue Ray of the Will ofGod is amplified.

Focus on the Will of God for your very lifethrough total surrender to the Divine Will, no matter what your presentcircumstances appear to be. This is the fastest way to gain your spiritualmastery and freedom. As you align with God’s Will, you will notice that yourlife will manifest more harmony. Bathe your mind, body and soul each day withthat energy, and soon, you will reap its many benefits.

Tuesday, the Rose-Pink Ray of Divine Loveof God is amplified.

Focus on the transforming and healinginfluence of the energies of Divine Love. Love is the glue that creates,transforms, heals and harmonizes all things. Take time in your life to breatheit in and merge with Flame of Divine Love, the key to power of multiplicationand all good things you desire. As you merge with this Flame in a greatermeasure, limitations start dissolving and you become the master of yourdestiny.

Wednesday, the Emerald Green Ray of theDivine Flame of Healing, Precipitation and Abundance is amplified.

Focus on the energies of divine healing inall aspects of your life. This is a balancing and soothing energy that willassist you to align the many distortions you have created in your lives. Invokeand visualize this radiant green liquid healing light blazing through all areaswhere transforming is needed. The Green Ray also governs the laws of abundanceand prosperity. Also invoke the emerald green Flame to pave the way for themanifestation and precipitation of all your physical and spiritual desires.

Thursday, the Golden Ray of theResurrection Flame is amplified.

Focus on the energies of this Flame for theresurrection and restoration of your inherited divinity. You are a divine beingexperiencing human life and learning from it. Because you have strayed inconsciousness, your divinity has been veiled. As you invoke and merge with thepurple and gold energies of the Resurrection Flame, you will start resurrectingall the gifts and attributes of your divinity. Along with the Violet Flame,this wondrous flame prepares you for the final ritual of Ascension, which isthe main purpose for your many incarnations on this planet.

Friday, the Pure Dazzling White Ray ofPurity of the Ascension Flame is amplified. 

Ascension is the alchemical marriage or divine union of your human-selfwith you I AM Presence through the process of purification of allmisqualification of God’s energy throughout your many incarnations. Focus onpurifying and clearing all negativity, false beliefs, poor attitudes and habitsblocking manifestation of your spiritual mastery. Fill your auric field andevery cell of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies with thispure-white dazzling Ascension Flame. In your meditation, do this with all therays. It is essential for your spiritual progress.

Saturday, the penetrating Violet Ray ofTransmutation and Freedom is amplified.

On Saturday, focus on the many tones and frequencies of the Violet Raywhich is most magical. The Violet Flame brings the frequency of change,alchemy, freedom from limitations, royalty, diplomacy, comfort and much more. Asyou fill your auric field and your heart with the wonders of this Flame, itsfrequency will start clearing from your life the obstacles and karma that areobstructing the way to the realization of your mastery. Use the Violet Fire asmuch as you can each day, but especially on Saturday when this ray is amplifiedin a greater way, and it will serve you well.

台長: 珏吟
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此分類下一篇:第一道聖火:藍焰聖殿the Will of God 冥想文(中文版)
此分類上一篇:『接收愛 (Being Loved)』的靜坐冥想

2012-02-27 01:27:42
Dear Griffin,
love&light,Shir Ra
2012-02-27 11:08:08
Thank you for sharing! 這是很棒的每日習修法則︿︿
2012-06-20 12:37:53
Esteban Liao
The seven sacred flame的中文版何處可以買到?我有英文版但看起來吃力奌,如有中文版更佳!
2014-05-29 02:09:56

2015-01-22 16:09:51
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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