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第一道聖火:藍焰聖殿the Will of God 冥想文(中文版)

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The First Ray: The Flame of the Will of God

 Main God qualities and actions of the First Ray:


Omnipotence,protection, faith, the Will of God through the power of the Father.


Corresponding Chakra: Throat




Corresponding Stones:


Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Peacock stones, Blue-lace Agate



Chohanof the First Ray:

Master El Morya

His Retreat: The Temple of Good Will, Darjeeling, India


Archangels of the First Ray with Divine Complement:

Michaeland Faith

Their Retreat: The Temple of Faith, Banff & Lake Louise, Canada


Elohimof the First Ray with Divine Complement:

Herculesand Amazonia

Their Retreat: Half Dome, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA





Adama (Telos的大祭司)

Journey to the Will of God Temple in Telos(Meditation)

With Adama and Master El Morya

Telos,我們有一座「神的意志」(the Will of God)聖殿,同樣的位於西藏附近的大吉嶺也存在一座。此一「神性意志」聖殿是在上師El Morya(艾摩亞)的監護下,分別在大吉嶺以及聖山Mt. Shasta都有其庇護所。你們當中有許多人會在夜晚時來到這些地方,學習開啟第一道聖光神的意志。這些地方維持在第五度空間的頻率,因此以常人的肉眼是看不到的。今天,我很高興能夠帶領著你們,有意識的來Telos參觀此一聖殿。


請帶著意識邀請你的神聖存有(Divine Presence)、或是你的高我(higher self)引領你和我們一起進入到Telos;想像你帶著你的靈魂光體(merkaba)來到這裡,並且伴隨著你的指導靈。到達這裡,你會發現有一座相當高大的六面金字塔,散發著乳白藍光;當你漸漸靠近,所有圍繞在你身邊的一切都散發著藍色的能量,非常清新、非常舒服;允許你自己走上一個由珍珠母製成的臺階,直到殿堂的入口。仔細觀察、感受環繞在四周的藍色霧氣,從周圍不同高度的噴泉中散播開來;這裡面有許多不同種類的藍色花朵,生長在白色和金色的盒子裡,祂們欣欣向榮、花團錦簇的環繞在噴泉的四周,其中還包括甜美的勿忘我花朵;當你穿過入口,會看到三個藍焰天使在等待著護送及歡迎你。


現在,你已經進入到一個很寬廣的長廊,你會看到一個透明的房間,在這個房間的中心擺放著一個巨型的藍色火焰鑽石,這是你看過最大的鑽石,大約有1518吋高(38-46公分)。你的指導靈邀請你進入到這一個神聖的房間內,這一顆鑽石有幾千個切面,每一個切面都代表著不同層面的神的意志,所散發出來的鑽石心(Diamond Heart)。這顆鑽石和存在於你內心的那顆並沒有太大的不同,那顆存在於你的內心,也有著許多神奇切面的鑽石,遲早都會被完全的開啟與復原。你的鑽石心與你神聖的內心其實都是一樣的,他們是彼此的一部分;他們都是由無限多的空間所組成,每一個空間,都對應著你內在鑽石中的某一個切面。


請進入到這個神性意志的神聖空間,這裡有一位大師等著歡迎你來,祂就是上師El Morya;祂的身形高挑,帶著棕色的眼睛像是一位禪師;他身穿藍色長袍,部分被一件發光的白色披風遮蓋住,頭上則戴著藍白、金色的頭巾。祂問候著你、並且歡迎你來到祂的鑽石心;祂同時邀請你,在這些藍色火焰的靠墊上選一個座位坐下。現在,祂引領你將意念放在這顆鑽石心的能量上,並且將這股能量吸入體內,請盡情的吸入,以便你回到肉身時可以帶回這股能量。這股藍色光芒也是其中一道提供力量、給予愛的光芒;所有的光芒都包含愛的能量,其中再加入他們個別不同的特質。






現在,連接上你的高我,祂就在你的正上方;你的神聖存有I AM Presence—那個不受任何拘束真正的你,正在等著你所有的恐懼都被釋放,被療癒。連結這股神聖的存有Divine Presence,並且承諾,你願意放下所有引發你這麼多痛苦的恐懼,允許自己恢復到完整、全然的你(wholeness)






現在,上師El Morya和我Adama,將要給你們這些進到神殿裡,坐在鑽石前面的每一個人一樣禮物;我們要將一顆小顆一點的、完美的乙太鑽石體,放入到你內心的神聖空間裡,這顆鑽石閃爍著藍色質地光芒,植入到你內心神聖的能量空間。







這些藍光大師群們隨時在你的身邊,提供他們的協助。當你準備好了,請睜開你的眼睛。我們邀請你可以隨時回到這座療癒的殿堂,和我們一起冥想連結神的意志,持續朝你的靈性自由邁進。And so be it, Beloved I AM.




Telos是隸屬於Lemuria古文明的一座古城,現以五度空間的型態存在於現今位於三度空間的Mt. Shasta(加州)。有關Telos,Lemuria和Mt. Shasta的訊息請連結到以下網頁 http://www.lemurianconnection.com/ 







We have in Telos a temple consecrated to the Will of God. There is also such a temple inDarjeeling, Indianear Tibet.The retreat of the Will of God is under the guardianship of the master ElMorya, both in Darjeeling and Mount Shasta. Many of you go there at night, or come here to Telos, tolearn the initiations of the First Ray, of surrender to the Divine Will. Theyboth exist in the fifth dimension frequency, and thus are not visible to yourouter eyes. Today, I would like to take you in consciousness to our will of God Templein Telos.

Consciouslyask your Divine Presence or your higher self to take you on a journey with usto Telos. See yourself arriving here in your personal merkaba, accompanied byone of your guides. Notice a fairly large opalescent blue structure, quitetall, in the form of six-sided pyramid. As you approach, everything around youresonates with the beautiful blue energy, so refreshing and soothing. Allowyourself to walk up the mother-of-pearl stairway to the main entrance of thetemple. Observe and feel the majestic blue mist emanating from various high fountainsall around it. Many types of blue flowers, growing in white and gold boxes, areflourishing in great abundance and variety around the fountains, including thesweet forget-me-nots. Walk now through the entrance, where three blue flameangels are awaiting to escort and welcome you in.

As youenter into the large hallway, see a transparent chamber in the centercontaining a huge blue flame diamond, the biggest diamond that you will eversee, about 15 to 18 feet in height. Your guide invites you to enter that sacredchamber. The diamond contains several thousand facets, each one representing adifferent aspect of the Diamond Heart of the Divine Will. This diamond is notso different from the one living within your heart, and in time, all thewondrous facets of your own diamond heart will become completely activated andrestored. Your Diamond Heart and your sacred heart are one and the same; theyare components of each other. They are made of an infinite number of chambers,each one corresponding to a facet of your own diamond.

Comeinto the sacred chamber of the Divine Will to be greeted, by master El Morya, atall being with brown eyes who looks very much like Zen master. He is wearing ablue robe partially covered with a luminescent white cape, with a bluish whiteand gold turban on his head. He greets and welcomes you to His diamond heart,and invites you to find a seat on one of the “blue-flame” cushions. He nowguides you to focus on the energy of that diamond heart and to breathe in theenergies, so that you can bring as much of this energy as possible back withyou when you return to your physical body. This blue ray is the one that givesthe power to the Love ray. All of the rays contain love plus the specificattributes of each ray.

In the presenceof that diamond, you can open all of the little facets of your own diamondheart that are full of fears, and let them go. Intend for the energies of thishuge diamond to magnetize and absorb your fears, dear ones, and for them to bereleased and healed. As you release these fears from your heart, you willreceive a tremendous healing.

Beaware that it may be difficult to release all your fears and burdens in onevisit. This is why we are inviting you to return to this temple in Telos or in Darjeeling as often asyou wish to receive deeper levels of healing. Inner healing is an ongoingprocess until you reach completion. Consider your efforts as a work inprogress, and be willing to stay with the process until all the veils arelifted. It is then that you will know that you are complete.  

Nowconnect with your higher self that is standing right above you. Your great I AMPresence, the unlimited being that is really who you are, is waiting for allyour fears to be released and healed. Connect with this Divine Presence, andmake your commitment to surrender all the fears that kept you in so much painso that you can be restored to wholeness.

Nomatter what may show up in your life tomorrow, it is only a mirror of a fear orold pattern of belief that you still hold within yourself that needs to beresolved and embraced. You will soon come to know, as you do this work, thatthere is nothing to fear except the illusion of fear itself.

Keepbreathing this wonderful blue flame, as much as you can, directly into yourlungs and into your heart. Do this consciously because you want to bring thisenergy back into your physical body. Also know that all the multi-dimensionalaspects of yourself and all the beings of the light realms are supporting yourjourney home to divine grace. You are not alone in your journey; you have somuch love available to you and so much support. Be confident that you can do itif you choose it. Feel the soothing action of the Blue Flame. It has its ownway of bringing you comfort and lessening all your pains.

NowMaster El Morya and myself have a gift for each one of you sitting in front ofthe diamond in our temple. We are going to superimpose a smaller ethericdiamond of total perfection, radiating the qualities of the blue-essence,within the sacred chamber of your heart, right within the energies of your ownsacred heart.

Thisdiamond reflects your divine perfection. With this gift, the perfection of theDiamond Heart will be reflected to you as long as you choose to work with it. Weinvite you to start breathing in its energies every day in your meditation, workingwith those energies every way that seems appropriate for you. In yourmeditation, ask your higher self to show you which facets of the diamond arestill holding pain or unbalanced attitudes that need to be healed and aligned. Thediamond you have just received will continue to reflect everything you need forthe complete opening and healing of your heart. It will take you to the path ofsurrender with joy and grace. It is alive and vibrant. Its color reflects aluminescent peacock blue.

Keepbreathing its energies with allowance and surrender to what is. Be resolute inwalking this path, and feel free to communicate with your guide. Stay with thisenergy for a while and be thankful for the grace you have just received.(Pause)

Whenyou feel complete, return to your body, taking this treasure with you. The moreyou remain conscious and work with the diamond heart, the more its energieswill amplify and bless your life. This is a gift or tool we are giving you, butit will not help you unless you use it. This diamond heart also has a vibrationof self-confidence. Tap into this self-confidence energy to assist you torelease your fears, so that your surrender can be accomplished gracefully.

The blue ray masters areavailable to you at this time, offering their assistance. When you feel ready,open your eyes. We invite you to return to this healing place often, tomeditation with us on the Will of God, and to continue to make gigantic stridestowards your spiritual freedom. And so be it, Beloved I AM.


















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