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2006-03-05 14:26:51| 人氣1,792| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Healing Meditation能量脈輪靜坐

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Vernice Solimar, PhD

Hands on crown of head: 
I and Ultimate Reality are one
I am pure Essence. I am one with the Source of Life
I am one with Divine Being, Infinite Light

Hands on forehead: 
I and Truth are one
I perceive only what is real & true
I know & live the Truth that sets me free
Intuitive insight and deep wisdom guide me

Hands on throat: 
I and the Sound of the Universe are one
External words resonate within me
I speak words that are real, authentic & true
I give creative feedback that is clear & transforming
My words vibrate with healing, heart and wisdom

Hands on heart: 
I and Love are one
I am one with Divine Love
I rest in the spaciousness of my heart
My heart continuously opens in compassion for myself & all beings
I openly receive love & share love unconditional with all others

Hands on the solarplex: 
I and Universal Power are one
I express my inner power & capacity to actualize my potential
I honor my mind & ability for deep self-inquiry
I bring heart & soul to my career & right livelihood
I clarify my intentions and accomplish my goals

Hands on belly: 
I am one with Creative Flow of Life
I give birth to life from moment to moment
I send healing love & energy to past emotional wounds
I let go of addictions, fixations, unhealthy attachments
I attract & nurture joyful, loving relationships

Hands on pelvic area: 
I am one with the Earth
I honor my body as a sacred incarnation of life
I express my sensuality & sexuality with love & radiance
I receive physical healing, abundance, prosperity
Each breath fills me with revitalizing life energy.
Each breath connects me with the Earth & all beings.



台長: 珏吟
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 靜坐冥想 |
此分類下一篇:Violet Flame (紫色火焰)的冥想文

meditation class in London
This Healing meditation post seems quite unique to follow. How can I tell people about it and people will not get any idea about it from meditation class in London, This is not what I will be doing and I will be looking at something new that is going to hepl us all.
2019-09-29 17:04:30
healing London
Beautiful poem!
2019-10-07 05:28:08
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