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靈性小常識 文章數:10
An Interview with Reiki Guides and Angels3by Laurelle Shanti GaiaMany people find the concept of spiritual gui... (詳全文)
發表時間:2012-01-31 00:29:47 | 回應:0
Dear Light Family,Laurelle是我在Sedona傳授臼井靈氣(Usui Reiki)和卡魯那靈氣(Karuna Reiki)的其中一位老師,對於靈氣... (詳全文)
發表時間:2011-07-24 08:19:23 | 回應:0
Crystal Astrology Report *05/31/11*Tuesday 31stMayMay ends in a blaze of cosmic activity. Tensions build as Ve... (詳全文)
發表時間:2011-06-01 06:45:05 | 回應:0
Crystals for Cancer SupportIt probably goes without saying that no crystal should be used in lieu of the sound... (詳全文)
發表時間:2011-03-01 09:22:55 | 回應:0
Can Crystals Help Bring Positive Energy?As with any bad habit, negativity is learned; from our earliest days w... (詳全文)
發表時間:2010-08-21 08:13:14 | 回應:0
很清楚的解說,有科學角度的解釋和散播光/愛的感動對2012,馬雅文化,天體運行和量子物理學意識有興趣的朋友們,一定要看喔... (詳全文)
發表時間:2010-07-28 17:52:28 | 回應:0
Crystalsfor Boosting Your EnergyIn the aftermath of extreme physical or emotional exertion, the effects of fat... (詳全文)
發表時間:2010-07-24 08:42:52 | 回應:0
以下擷取Kryon Book III一書中的一段我很有感觸的文章這段文主要在談論一般修行人的疑惑與挫折Kryon提到,常常有人在身... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-11-08 02:47:44 | 回應:0
以下這篇文章是由我在Sedona的靈氣老師Laurelle透過她的天使/指導靈所傳達出來的訊息內容主要在澄清一些何為"指導靈"(... (詳全文)
發表時間:2009-01-14 09:21:08 | 回應:0
Archangel Michael is the Key to your Victory!http://www.missionsaintgermain.com/id4.htmlWe can’t overestimate... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-13 00:47:31 | 回應:2
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