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Violet Flame (紫色火焰)的冥想文

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以下,截取Telos2書中一段有關Violet Flame (紫焰)的冥想文

簡單介紹,Violet Flame是一股紫色的火焰,一股能將黑色能量瞬間燃燒並轉化成正向能量的火焰,具有強烈驚人的療癒能力。這股紫色的火焰能量是由宇宙的光與愛所傳遞出來的,目前由聖哲曼大師(St. Germain)所掌管,據說過去幾千年來(時間不可考)是由觀世音菩薩掌管,目前則移交到聖哲曼大師的手中。

Violet(紫色、紫羅蘭色) Flame,是由藍光和粉紅光所組合成的光芒。它同時包含了藍色光所象徵的力量(power)以及粉紅光所代表的愛;換句話說,紫焰結合神聖的男性能量—藍光—power以及女性能量—粉紅光—love所形成不可思議的轉化能量,就有如進行一場靈性煉金術(alchemy).

以下是一段來自Telos的冥想文,文字則由Telos的大祭司Adama所傳遞,他將邀請各位到Telos的Violet Flame Temple一遊,並且到此聖殿接受紫焰的能量療程…
請大家靜坐冥想,閱讀以下這段文,由你的Higher Self以及天使們帶領著你的靈魂進入到Violet Flame Temple 深度治療…


I now ask that you center in your heart and state your intention and desire to be filled with the wondrous energies of your divine presence. You may do this in this manner. “In the name of the I AM that I AM, from the Lord God of my being, I ask now that every cell, every atom and every electron of my four body systems, all my subtle bodies, every particle of life of who I am in all dimensions and states of consciousness, to be totally filled with the wonders and the miracle energies of the Violet Flame of Freedom’s Love. I now ask to be filled again and again twenty-four hours a day, each day of my life.” (Keep breathing it in).

As you are being filled with the Violet Flame energies, set your intentions to come with us on a journey with your higher self to the beautiful and wondrous Violet Flame Temple in the fifth dimension, inside of Telos. This temple has an etheric, fifth dimensional physical structure, and our people can access it at any time; and so can you in your light body. In this temple the Violet Flame burns perpetually, nurtured by the consistent love and devotion of our people, blessing all of life, blessing mankind and the planet. This is a place where the master St. Germain spends a lot of his time with his twin flame Portia, and with legions of violet flame angels of all the different choirs, recharging and attending the energies of this wondrous flame of God for the planet.

Keep breathing the energy as much as you can, so that you can bring this energy back with you to your physical body when you return to full consciousness.

Now, see yourself standing in a large circular room with a high ceiling, where the Violet Flame is present everywhere. The walls are made of pure violet amethyst and floor is also made of amethyst crystal of a smoother texture and lighter color. Piercing through the amethyst wall you see a great number of violet tone lights that gives you the feeling of a mystical starry vision. The room is quite bright and you see dozens of fountains of all sizes and shapes emitting all possible shades of violet hue, in a magical play of colors and tones. The water fairies are having great fun playing with those energies; see them exalting in their playful joy. The flower fairies are also playing games creating beautiful flowers of all shades of white, gold and violet with this light energy. See them throwing some at you, as their way of blessing and welcoming you. Join in to partake of their joy and bliss. See also a great number of violet flame angels tending the violet fire with their love and adoration.

This great fire of the Love flame is not hot; it’s basically on the cool side. There are several chairs in the room, and we ask each one of you to choose the one you are drawn to in the area that feels the most comfortable to you. The chairs are made of pure violet crystal, and under each one is a flame of violet rising up to meet and enfold you. As it is burning up from underneath, it is entering and infusing every part of your body through the lower chakras. There is also another flame coming down from above, penetrating your crown chakra and infusing every cell of your body through all of the higher chakras.

As you breathe it into your heart consciously, you are being filled with the Violet Flame of Freedom like never before. There are several Violet Flame angels surrounding each one of you, pouring cups of love and cups of Violet fire into your energy fields and the various aspects of your life needing healing. The experience is going to be different for each one of you. Keep breathing in the energy. Now see the master St. Germain with his Lady Portia and the Lady Quan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy and of Compassion, filling you with their love and imprinting your auric field with the flame of compassion, which is also a seventh ray energy.

We now ask everyone to open yourself to a greater level of compassion for your own healing and for the healing of those you love. Whatever it is that you feel needs healing in your life, invoke the energies of compassion and forgiveness, and allow the changes you want to take place. Stay in that state of bliss as long as you want. Talk to us, talk to St. Germain, or Quan Yin and set your intentions to completely heal yourself, to heal all traumas of the present and the past. This room is filled with wondrous healing energy, and as you sit and bathe in it, feel waves of dark energy around your field, and within yourself. Wherever there have been problems, trauma or pain, feel the energy starting to life and dissolve.

Start feeling a lessening of density. Feel how much lighter you are becoming. Feel the lightness and the sensation of joy infusing your being. As you feel greater joy, you lessen your burdens. Allow this lightness, this beauty, the love and the power to nurture you in all ways. Keep breathing it in. Consciously request of the Violet Flame what you would like it to do for you. Sometimes, between your asking and the fulfillment of your request, clearing processes need to take place, but step-by-step you are working towards your victory. Do not feel rushed; take all the time you need.

When you feel ready, you can look around; there are some guides, masters and angels willing to assist you if you have a query. The angels by the way, especially those who work with mankind, come here to recharge with The Violet Flame vibration several times a week, and often on a daily basis. The unbalanced energy on the planet contaminates their forcefield, and they come here to cleanse and revitalize. We invite you to do the same. Stay with us there as long as you wish, and when you are ready, come back to full consciousness. Now be mindful of not re-creating in your lives through your thoughts, feelings and words the energies you have just transmuted.

We invite you to come back to this temple, in the fifth dimension, any time you want. The door is now opened to you. The Great Master St. Germain will always be there, and his angels are always ready to receive and love you, to assist you in any way that is needed. It is their great pleasure to lend their assistance.

As we conclude our talk this day, in Telos, we honor all of you for your openness, sending blessings of love, courage and wisdom. We will also join our dear friend St. Germain who commits to send waves of Violet Flame into the hearts of all those who will be reading this material later on. And so be it.



台長: 珏吟
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在我生日當天,很榮幸的St. Germain的紫焰工作坊在全球同時展開
我也即將參加舊金山的那一場,對我而言,這是St. Germain給我最好的生日禮物:)



祝我生日快樂 耶耶耶!
2007-11-03 18:54:14

Happy Birthday!!
2007-11-03 21:48:47

2007-11-04 00:00:38
也是個走在self journey 的人~
不好意思, 才剛從美國回來.
2007-11-15 23:54:40
Wonderful Violet Flame article/web:

”Violet Flame Healing Prayers and the Mystical Month of May”

2009-05-22 05:32:33
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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