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『接收愛 (Being Loved)』的靜坐冥想

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這篇冥想文非常的有力量,我除了每天會簡單的靜坐冥想接收來自光的愛(From Mother Earth, Mother Mary, Quan Yin and from all of my Guide),也接收來自自身的愛 (口中不斷默念『我很愛我自己』!很溫柔的...)之外,當我在現實生活中有各種的困難,或是在人際上有不舒服的經驗時,以下這篇冥想文就成為我自我療癒的方式之一

這篇冥想文是擷取 Amorah Quan Yin 其中一本著作The Pleiadian Tantric workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba,和大家分享,有機會,我會將中文翻譯補上


the pleiadian tantric workbook.jpg

(Being Loved)的靜坐冥想

You can do the following meditation forreceiving love as often as you feel the need.


1.      Ground yourself, pull in your aura, and adjust your boundary colorsas needed.


2.      Call in your Higher Self of Light and ask that your silver cord beactivated and your tube of light filled. When this is done, proceed.

3.      Think of someone who is currently in your life, or has been in yourlife, who you know loves you. Then using this person’s name where it says “thisperson” repeat the following: “I’m ready and willing to receive all of theDivine Love that this person has for me that I have not let in until now. I amwilling to receive only this person’s love and nothing else.” Then breathedeeply and gently, and open to receive the love. When the influx of love to youhas stopped, go to the next step.

4.      Think of someone with whom you have had a difficult or painfulrelationship. Remember that this person’s true self really does love you. Nowrepeat the following: “I am ready and willing to receive all of the Divine Lovethat this person has for me that I have not let in until now. I am willing toreceive only this person’s love and nothing else.” Then breathe deeply andgently, and open to receive the love. When the influx of love to you hasstopped, continue.

5.      Next you will receive your love for yourself. Repeat thisinvocation: “I am ready and willing to receive all of the Divine Love that Ihave felt for myself that I have not let in today. I am ready and deserve tolove myself fully and deeply.” Breathe deeply and gently and feel the inpouringof your self-love. When the flow stops, say, “I am ready to feel and receiveall of the love I have had for myself in the last week that I have not let in.”Again breathe and receive your own love. When the flow subsides, invoke, “I amready to receive all of the love I have had for myself in the last month that Ihave not let myself feel until now.” Breathe and receive. Then say, “I am readyto receive all of the love I have had for myself throughout this entirelifetime that I have not let myself receive until now.” Then breathe deeply andgently, and open to receive your self-love. When the flow of love to you hasstopped, proceed.

6.      The love from God/Goddess/ All That Is, or Great Spirit, is the nextto be called forth. Invoke as follows: “I am ready and willing to receive allof the Divine Love that God/Goddess/ All That Is has for me that I have not letin today.” When the flow of love has ceased, say, “I am ready to let in all ofthe Divine Love that God/Goddess/ All That Is has sent to me in the last weekthat I have not received.” Again, breathe and receive until the flow hasstopped. The repeat, “I am ready to receive all of the love God/Goddess/ AllThat Is has given to me in the last month that I have not let in until now.”Breathe and receive until the flow is complete. The say, “I am ready to receiveall of the love God/Goddess/ All That Is has sent me in this lifetime that Ihave not allowed in until now.” Then breathe deeply and gently, and open toreceive the love. When the influx of love to you has stopped, continue.

7.      If you wish to experience the love of the Holy Mother and HolyFather individually, use the same method as in steps 5 and 6. Then you can callon love from any other humans, personal guides, Ascended Masters, Archangels,or whomsoever you choose.

8.      When you are complete, open your eyes slowly, maintaining your senseof being loved. Try to maintain the centered, warm feeling you have even as youenter into daily activities instead of adjusting yourself to a familiar,comfortable façade. Remind yourself throughout the day that all people,God/Goddess/ All That Is, your true self, and your guides and higher-dimensionalfriends love you and are loving you. Let the love in.



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