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何謂深層「靜坐」(DNA layer6)?

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以下我將擷取Kryon的channeling,有關DNA layer6的部分


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Prayer and Meditation

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.


The Process of Prayer and Meditation

I want to talk to you about something special today. It's about meditation. It has been practiced this very day, but I've never spoken of it as clearly as we're going to do in these next few moments. Some people call it prayer, and some call it meditation. In the past, prayer has been considered "talking to God," and meditation has been seen as "listening." Actually, both are communication. Tonight we'll attempt to give you more specific information about how it works. In addition, we'd like to give you some attributes around it that perhaps you weren't aware of.

The best way to give you some of this information is by answering questions that have been asked about this subject. First, what we're speaking about is the lifeline of the enlightened Human Being with the family. Some have said, "Well, Kryon, I really don't have time to meditate much." As we've said before, in this new energy, it doesn't really matter. If you've given intent to communicate with the family, you're meditating with The Third Language as you walk from place to place. However, the kind of mediation we wish to speak of is "focused meditation." This is the process that not only communicates, but also manifests energy.

Focused meditation and prayer are not casual. They're not the kinds of communication that bring an occasional hug from Spirit or a cosmic wink when you see 11:11 on the clock. No. This kind of meditation is between the Human you and the spiritual you. It's the energy that takes place on a regular basis, if you will allow it, within your most profound communication moments with God.

In a recent channelling, we described who you were talking to when you meditate. We wanted you to understand that when you speak to God, you're not lifting your eyes to the heavens and expecting something grand to come down and visit you. It is indeed the other way around. Instead, you're endeavoring to address the divinity that lives in you. The spark of God is in every single Human in the room. You may not believe this, since it's counterintuitive to everything your duality presents. The fact is well hidden that you have this awesome attribute within you, but many are discovering it within this new energy.

The Layers of Meditation

Meditation has three distinct sections to it. The first we will call intent. This first one, by the way, is where more than 80 percent of humanity spends its time when it decides to speak to God. It is received well by Spirit, but it is only the "hello" portion of the process.

The second and third layers of this process actually have no name and no concept that can be given by my partner, but he's going to endeavor anyway. The second one is what he will call posturing. The third one he will simply call receipt and delivery. These are his names today, since the concept of what they really are, are unknown to you at any level within your language. These layers of meditation aren't as easy as they sound from these names. Those of you who have had very profound experiences with visions know what I'm talking about. There's nothing simple about explaining a vision.

Layer One - Intent
Let's talk about intent. There are three questions I'd like to answer regarding the first layer of meditation and prayer. Picture yourself getting ready to communicate. You're by yourself. (1)"Dear Kryon, dear Spirit, is ceremony necessary to go to this place we call meditation and prayer?" Our answer is this: Spirit loves ceremony. The reason we love it is because it's the human way of making a place for this event a special one. So it's an honoring - an honoring of family. So we say, create ceremony if it makes you feel good. We don't mind at all. And you're going to hear this statement from us many times: We will wait patiently until you're ready! If there is ceremony involved, we will honor it. If you build an altar, we'll be there, and if you don't, we'll be there. We're ready, no matter what you wish to do that you feel is appropriate for the situation.

"Kryon, is it proper to fast - to prepare the body in purity for this meeting?" Of course it's proper. But it's not a rule. After you've prepared your body, we'll be there. "Well, then, how long should we fast?" How long do you want to? Whatever the time you select to fast, we'll be there when you're done. You see, we're not going anywhere. We'll just watch you. But understand, we enjoy the ceremony! Again, it's about you, honoring the situation.

"Well, I guess what I'm asking is this: Does it help or does it not, to purify the body before prayer and meditation?" It depends on the path you're on. There are some who can open the dialogue and go right to the last and highest layer. There are some who open the dialogue and have to go a while to get there. Each path is different. Some enjoy taking the time, and others wish to get right to it. Understand that when you open dialogue with Spirit, even if it's on a shallow level, even if it's in the first layer, from our perspective, you're only giving a greeting. You may fast for three days to get ready to open the dialogue. In the process of those three days, we're gathering an entourage to listen to you. You didn't know that, did you? You see, it's about your intent. But an interesting thing happens: If you don't get to the next layer, which we're going to describe shortly, and you just stay in the intent layer, it's like a thousand individuals coming to a movie that never gets played. You see, something has to happen besides intent.

Here's another question: "What about protocol? Every religion seems to have some kind of protocol, and they're all very different. Do you stand or do you sit? Do you face a certain direction or not? What is best, day or night? What are you supposed to wear? How do you get ready for God?"

Ah, dear one, why don't you just sit down and do it? We're patient, you know. We'll wait.

"But Kryon, there are some cultures on the planet who have humans climbing stairs for days to pray. When they're done, they're exhausted... sometimes they'll be on their hands and knees - scraped and bruised. Other societies and cultures will flog themselves until they're bloody so they'll suffer in order to come to the altar and to talk to Spirit. What about that?"

Again, the answer is that we'll wait. Whatever is appropriate for you to feel ready is appropriate for us. Go through what you think you must go through. There's no judgment around this. We're very ready to receive communication in any way you wish to give it. But we'd love to make a suggestion: Why don't you just sit down and do it? Let me ask you this: If you're a piece of God, why would you have to go through those things? Do you flog yourself before you call your brother? Do you climb a mountain in order to speak to your partner? Yet there's no judgment if you do, and we'll wait for you.

"Kryon, there has always been an issue about how many times we should have to ask for something, or how we can best explain the things we need. Many believe that in order for Spirit to fully understand the Human's plight, we need to continue to ask. Others feel that repetition is needed for prayer of any kind. You know, it's a complicated life I have, and it takes me a long time to explain it to God when I'm praying. I usually fall asleep a lot. Then I wake up and realize I haven't finished my prayer because it's too complicated. I've got this happening, that happening, and if this one thing doesn't happen soon, then the other thing might happen instead. If it does, then I'm in trouble over here and there's anxiety over there, and drama gets out of control with others who don't understand. It's a complex life I live!"

I wish to give you a vision: I'm going to ask you to pretend for a moment that you have a lifelong friend who's magically attached to you interdimensionally. Everything that you do and everything you go through is shared by this make-believe friend. Make it a brother, a sister - someone very close. Now, it's an imaginary person, but you can still give him/her a name if you wish. Make this attached person look like you if you want, but he/she is interdimensional, so there's no weight to carry, or mouth to feed. It's actually part of you. Make it any gender you want to, whatever makes you happy, but he/she is glued to you. When you laugh, he's laughing. When you're sad, he's sad. When you're in frustration, he's in frustration. Everything that is known to you is known in real time by this partner of yours. Side by side, you're walking through life.

Now, this is just a metaphor... or is it? Let me introduce that partner to you. It's called your Higher-Self. It's also called the "connection to God." It lives within your DNA. Let me be very clear: It knows everything you know. Let me tell you, Human Being, the answer about how many times you have to repeat or how often you have to tell God how complicated things are? Why don't you sit down and do it?

Here's a challenge: The next time you sit down to meditate, say nothing! Can you conceive of that? Why don't you just sit and be loved? In these layers of intent, that's what is most helpful. Know that God is literally within you. All things that you are and all things that you have gone through are known to Spirit. No explanation is ever needed. No assembly is required. [Laughter]

It might surprise you to know who's more ready to talk to whom. Do you know what we want to do - what we really want to do? I'm speaking from the standpoint of those "partners" around you right now who are sitting next to you, who press upon you and love you, and who are ready to listen when you get past this intent stage. We want to go in and help you solve the problems! We want to marry you, energetically. We want to help you create your master-hood. We want to lift the veil so that you can manifest things with your very hands. We want to make it so that you can rise up from your seat and say, "It's a glorious life. It's difficult sometimes, but what a special time to be on the planet!" That's what God is all about. God is an all-knowing life partner, ready and willing to be at your side. But the veil, duality, and test before you always demands that you find this out for yourself. You're actually part of God, but again, this fact hides completely.

Blessed is the Human Being who can yell to the elements, "I'm happy with myself. I'm pleased to be here. I may have challenges in life because I've chosen to do the spiritual heavy lifting while I'm here, but these things will actually help to shift and change the planet. I'm going to sing because I'm happy to be here." It's a wise Human Being, dear one, who can claim soul-wellness no matter what's happening. It's the wisdom of the master who sings in the process of trials. Yet these very beings sit before me hearing and reading. I'm talking to Lemurians in a very large room that has no time. I think you know who you are.

The Second Layer
Now before we get into the next level, the second of three, I want to remind you of a process - one you continually forget about. As you walk through the lessons of this planet, which you think are between you and some other person, do you ever think of your work and your frustrations as helping the earth? Or do you just look at them as things you wish would go away? Do you ever think that somehow you're in "punishment mode," where this thing called Earth is a prison?

I want to remind you again of a very spiritual and grand process: You are Lightworkers and solution-masters. As you work through these problems, that is to say, as you forgive, as you energetically take the mantle of sweetness around drama, as you no longer have your buttons pressed emotionally by certain attributes of the past, as you disengage, as you change your karma - the earth knows it. Everywhere you go, the earth shifts and changes because of who you are. You walk from place to place thinking that you're ordinary, but you're not. You're working a giant puzzle of your own making. The first thing you do is to (1) realize it's a puzzle that you created; (2) examine the players; and (3) find the solutions by changing the rules. You can only change the rules if you created the puzzle. Think about it. But understand that you're not here to suffer!

The second is very difficult to talk about, but not as much as the third one. This second layer is a state of being. It's where you move from intent to a place that's difficult to describe, and there are no words for. Some of you will feel that you're in the twilight of sleep. There are those in this room in Reno who think they're asleep, but they're not. They're being given this exact information in a different manner - that is, not aurally. It's the same way I'm delivering this message to my partner.

It's a dreamy edge of reality awareness - that place where consciousness and unconsciousness compete - a place that features a reality that you're used to and also another one that's odd - one you can't remember, but it begs you to anyway. Those who practice meditation know how to hold themselves at this edge that can't be defined as anything within normal Human perception.

This is an interdimensional entry port between the 4D you and the interdimensional you. It's the jumping-off place where you soar into the layers of the DNA in order to work with them, in order to talk to them. It's where you envision the shapes that you've been told are important in your life [sacred geometry]. It's where you claim the pyramid and where you practice ancient truths. It's the place where things begin to happen. It's a posturing for creation. It's a sweet place - thick with the love of God.

You can feel your body actually weighing more than it's supposed to. It changes the molecular structure of you physically, and your perceptions shift. Science has seen this, and they know about your brainwave changes in meditation. Your perceptions are becoming slightly interdimensional. Your body seems to weigh more because you "know" you're far larger than you seem. The weight-to-gravity issue also changes. Those of you who meditate in this layer know what I mean.

Things press upon you. You have a hard time moving. Some of you actually start to see colors behind your eyelids. Some of you will have a light show in combination with what's actually taking place on the nerve endings of your retina. All deep bodily functions start to move and change. This is the layer where the greatest masters of this earth were able to slow down, and even stop their bodily functions for a little while. That's how powerful this is.

Posturing is the best word my partner can use. It's an energy that's getting ready to go to the third layer. Intent is in place. You know what you're doing. The posturing is just beginning to affect you physically, and now you're ready for the magic.

Few are able to get to the third stage. You'll sit in this second layer and wish you could, but you're building the bridge, so you're still "working it." How do you get to the third stage? It's something that happens when it's time, and something that literally lays upon you and will be allowed when you've postured all the other things appropriately. It's not a process. It's an allowance, with permission of your own intelligent cellular structure.

The Third Layer
Achievement of getting to the third layer is allowed when you're in full and total communication with the layers of DNA that are interdimensional. It's no accident that in these last months we've given you the metaphoric structure of DNA so that you can visualize it in your minds. We've also given you the names of at least five layers so that you might understand what you're dealing with and what these layers do.

Granted, it's esoteric information that you may never, ever use except to visualize what you learn about master-hood. Let me tell you what happens when you start to meditate and you reach this third stage: This is the stage where there's supreme allowance for you to discover what others have called the "magic." We use the word magic in the same breath that we use co-creation. These are the things that go against physics and that go against what you were told in your biology lessons. But it's written that the masters of the planet also did these things.

We told you that the root layer is the one you can see in 4D. We told you that it was layer one, and we gave it a name [Keter Etz Chayim]. It's a name of God. We told you that it interacted with layers two and three. We even told you that layer three was the ascension layer; and that one, two, and three were the first of four groups. Of 12 layers total, we've identified 5, and we remained elusive about number 6.

We told you about layer one not being first, but rather, it was in the middle. And now I'm going to tell you that layer six is in the middle! You might say, "Well, Kryon, how can they both be in the middle?" And my answer is yes. [Laughter] You know what happens in four dimensions? You cannot have the same thing occupying the same space. Therefore, what I've told you is what you might call a physics impossibility. Interdimensionally, things occupy the same space constantly. Therefore, DNA layers one and six are linked in a way, so they sit upon each other. They have to. Layer one is called the Human genome, and it's 4D chemistry. It's where the puzzles are. Although it's too early to tell you this, I will anyway. Numbers 1, 6, and 12 all occupy the same space.

The Human genome is very interesting. Your science may ask, "Why is there so much in your DNA that does nothing?" They're looking at the genes and sequences of the parts. They're looking at almost three billion pieces and parts! That's just one layer. And what they're puzzled about is this: There's a whole lot of it that seems to do nothing!

Now, let me ask you before you go to the next thought: When have you seen the process of Human evolution create a system where there's a lot of junk? The answer is: Never. Nature doesn't work that way. Biology is very efficient, if you've noticed. So here is something we haven't mentioned before: In this area, which is often called junk DNA, there is indeed patterning. It has to do with communication with layer six... the magic layer.

When you're in that third layer of meditation - the one the masters walked this earth in - you're always in touch with DNA layer six. It is the most divine DNA layer of the entire 12. It's name is Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, and it's the name of God. It means in another language: I am that I am. That is the name of layer six: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. So the third layer of meditation is real communication. When you get there, it also activates the "junk DNA," since the 4D must respond to interdimensional instructions. Let me tell you what happens when you're in touch with this layer: Be ready to shift and change. You see, once you're convinced that this is possible, the pieces and parts of your DNA that are interdimensional will hear your message. They will have permission to change, past what's there in 4D. Did you know that it's appropriate to change the energy that you arrived with? What about the predisposition that says that you're going to have a disease that your parents had? Let me ask you this–where is that in your DNA? I'll tell you. It's there in DNA layer one, waiting and waiting to be changed by the communications array in layer one [junk], talking to the interdimensional layer six!

These layer-one 4D chemical attributes of your DNA will continue to "play the same tune" until you change the song! What's so difficult for humanity to understand is that the bridge you're building, which you call meditation and prayer, is a communication bridge with DNA layer one, and when the bridge is built, it will inform the rest of the DNA layers that you're ready to shift. How would you like to write your own song? The masters did, and their DNA sang it!

Oh, Human Being, there's magic afoot. What would you like to have happen in your life? For a moment, let's say it doesn't. Here's the big question. Can you celebrate it anyway? We've told you about this in the past; this isn't what it seems. Many times your spiritual work takes on a whole different perspective from what you think is really there, and the more interdimensional you get, the more wrapped up you are in Lemurian thoughts.



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