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2010-12-28 08:36:47| 人氣751| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Akashic Awakenings~Cindy回來嘍!!

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Dear Light Family,

很開心的, Cindy (the lord of Akasha)回來嘍~
她帶來了有關2011年的靈性訊息,並且再度提供Akashic Record的reading,以及許多的課程和工作坊,歡迎有興趣的人可以和她連繫!希望Jade工作室有機會可以邀請Cindy來台灣為大家服務:)

有關Akashic Record請參考我的文章


As the New Year of 2011 fast approaches I felt very moved to take this time to thank each and every single one of you for allowing me to be of Service to you and your lives. 
Entering a new year is always a most wonderful and poignant time to remember ones own blessings!  Each of you have been one of those blessings in my life and I stand before you knowing and being very present to the fact that I would not be where I am today without each and every one of you!
This new year that stands before us will prove to be one of our most challenging yet one of our most rewarding I have no doubt!  I am reminded by the Lords and Ladies of The Akash along with all my angels and guides, that 2011 will be a year where we will have the opportunity like no other before us, to create ALL that is our hearts desire!
2011 and the energy held within will be for many a year of 'definition' as well as a time and space where our greatest, our most deepest and truest hopes and dreams can be manifested.  I say 'can be' because as always it will be our choice whether or not these manifestations are made real within our 3D lives.  For we live on the planet of free choice and ALL choices are honored!
As we enter 2011 and the veils continue to recede even more than they have already, I wish each of you the gift of '~Awakening~'.  With that gift comes if you so desire, the ability to re~member and to then see clearly the Truth of who and what you are!  
Please know that all the wisdom that you seek can be found within yourself, embrace that wisdom as never before then may I suggest, you then offer that wisdom to those around you!  For that is why we are hear, to be of assistance to each other and offer any and all gifts that we can.
My other gifts to you in this new year are ones of personal power and unconditional love! 
I have many new articles on my Akashic web site that I offer to you and I look forward with much excitement and joy in offering many more in the new year!  My aim with these articles is to offer you a place to re~member, to awaken to the truths about yourself that you fell asleep to when you donned the veils and came to earth. 
I am also offering a 20% off 2011 New Year Special on ALL Akashic Records Consultations as well as all Lemurian Channeled Consultations along with my Original Lemurian Amulet/Lemurian Elder Consultations written or via phone!
I am so thrilled to share with you all that 2011 will issue in many new ribbons of opportunities as well as possibilities for me in so many areas of my life!  In regards to my service, I will begin to offer Akashic Records consultations via phone on a much more extensive level than ever before!  I will also be offering one hour phone consultations where I can re~connect with many of you on a much more personal and a much more human 3D level.  A chance where we can talk live and in person and you can do whatever you are moved and guided to do, talk, share, ask questions about anything, the Akash, the new energy, all things spiritual!!  How fun to re~connect with like minded family!
I will also begin offering workshops via the Internet as well as locally.  This I envision of expanding exponentially to encompass the whole planet.  Traveling the world teaching and re~connecting family to their Divine Birthrights! Look for that in the near future or email me if you are interested in creating and hosting one of my workshops/gatherings near you!
This new energy upon the planet is one that will fill our cup to overflowing of ALL things that will allow us to be healthy, wealthy and wise beyond our wildest dreams!!!!!!!!!!!
It is truly my honor to be of service and to be on this planet at this great time of enlightenment with you!     
As always my Service here on the planet is to stand before you and reflect back to you your innonce, your beauty and your brillance!  
I wish to you and yours the most prosperous and the most creative of new years! May all your hopes, dreams and desires be made manifest!
I remain always in Service,
Cindy Jo ~ BrightStarr

台長: 珏吟
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