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2011-01-03 11:07:19| 人氣393| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2011: The Year of the Indigo by Doreen Virtue

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January 2011

2011: The Year of the Indigo by Doreen Virtue

At the end of each year, I sit in quiet silence and connect with the presence of the mighty Archangel Michael, and ask him for messages about the coming year. I hear his answers as clearly as if I were having a conversation with a wise teacher. I find Archangel Michael to be the loudest and clearest angel of them all. 

I recorded the messages on a free video which I have posted on YouTube, if you’d like to watch or listen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6aWPPmpYNk 

Here’s a summary of the conversation: 

Archangel Michael conveys themes and messages regarding each year, usually related to what he’s guiding us to work upon. For 2011, Michael conveyed that it is a year where: 

* Indigos will step out of their comfort zone and take on important leadership roles. Indigos are strong-willed individuals who are highly-sensitive to energies. Indigos have an accurate barometer as to whether someone is in integrity or not, because they have an inner truth-detector. And Indigos TRUST what they feel. Congratulations, Indigos: 2011 is YOUR year! 

* 2011 is very supportive for changing careers, especially for those who are opening their own business. He said that the world economy will continue to improve. 

* He asked us to lose any thoughts or beliefs of victimhood, and to empower ourselves (he will help if you ask). 

* He did say that there will be a military escalation and build-up and he asked those who are guided to speak up and make their opinions known publicly. Don’t be shy! Remember the Dr. Seuss book, “Horton Hears a Who,” about the one little person whose voice saved the planet. And Indigos, we’re especially counting upon you to speak up! 

* He said that environmentalism and connecting with nature are essential in 2011. He asked us to spend a lot of time outdoors, and to take personal steps to help the environment, such as recycling, reducing, and reusing. He also said that those who’d like environmentally-related careers will do well in 2011. 

* Archangel Michael emphasized that some people will be afraid as we near 2012. He’s assured me that 2012 is just like Y2K: a non-event. It is NOT the end of anything. The Mayans would have continued their calendar, but they were interrupted abruptly and had to vacate their villages where they were working on this project. However, we will see an increased focus upon spirituality this year (just like we did in 1999), by those who want to get their life in order “just in case.” He likened it to: “There are no atheists in a foxhole” effects. The bottom line was that he appealed to us to stay centered in LOVE and give any worries to God, the ascended masters (i.e., Jesus), and the angels. 

* 2011 will be a very positive year for the majority of people, especially after the February 3 New Chinese Year. He said that the “Year of the Tiger” really did have an aggressive effect on the world, and that the new “Year of the Rabbit” will be more peaceful. Rabbit years are filled with a lot of industrious activity, which fits with Michael’s guidance for us to take guided action to help with issues that are important to us. He said a few times, “He who hesitates is lost,” and that there will be many windows of opportunities opening that we must walk through as they appear. 

* Everything happens exactly as it is supposed to, including the seemingly negative and painful things that you’ve endured. Ask your angels to find the hidden lessons and blessings within each event, relationship, and situation, and they’ll help you to find peace and understanding. 

* Most of all, he emphasized for us to ENJOY this moment, no matter what. Embrace and inhale the pleasure, joy, and divine perfect of each and every minute. And remember that you can always call upon Archangel Michael for support, courage, protection, and guidance. He’s completely unlimited and can help everyone who calls upon him simultaneously.

Happy New Year with love, Doreen

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