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老歌亂談(1202)You're Leaving Me For Her Again

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此首《You're Leaving Me For Her Again》的演唱者是"Peggy Sue",看到這個名字首先想到的是Buddy Holly的同名歌曲《Peggy Sue》,該曲在1957告示牌熱門榜獲得第3名的佳績,而曲中的Peggy Sue確有其人,是Holly的樂隊The Crickets 鼓手的女友,Holly後來還寫了一首《Peggy Sue Got Married》,但尚未及發行,Holly自己在1959因墜機身亡,即著名的「The Day The Music Died」。

歌曲人物本尊Peggy Sue Gerron

演唱此曲的Peggy Sue雖然和Buddy Holly的歌曲無關,卻也是頗有來頭,她是知名鄉村歌星Loretta Lynn的親妹妹 ( 先前只知女歌手Patty Loveless和Lynn有親戚關係 )。Loretta Lynn家中共有8個子女,Loretta是長女排行老二,Peggy Sue和Loretta相差11歲,排行老六,還有個排行老四的哥哥Jay Lee Webb和最小的妹妹Crystal Gayle,幾人都是歌手。

Patty Loveless

Loretta Lynn(中)和Peggy Sue(右)及Crystal Gayle(不要懷疑,她身前是長及地的頭髮)

此曲是Peggy Sue和姊姊Loretta Lynn所合寫,收錄在Paggy Sue 1969的專輯《Dynamite!》中。歌曲中男友多次為了另位女人離開她,表面看這次算是「最後通牒」,實則心中仍期盼男友能「懸崖勒馬」。其實像這類的情況,通常是挽回不了了,還是保持一點自尊,放手吧!

Pegge Sue的歌唱生涯主要是在70年代,自80年代起已無歌曲入榜,只是偶爾參與表演。這是首好聽的哀怨情歌,可惜編曲和錄製音效稍差了些。

You've got something on your mind you wanted tell me
And by the look on your face you think of her
Don’t be surprised if I don't cry this ain't the end
Yes I know you’re leaving me for her again

If she's got what it takes to make you happy
I'm sorry she's got love that I'm without
No she don't love you she's no good she never has been
Yes I know you're leaving me for her again

Don’t put it off tell me now let’s get it over
This ain't the first time but it’s the last time you're leaving me for her
So drag you down and what a shame I want you then

Yes I know you're leaving me for her again
Oh yes I know you're leaving me for her again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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