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2017-02-14 15:13:52| 人氣1,329| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(677)Even Cowgirls Get The Blues

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此曲最早的演唱者是美國女歌手Emmylou Harris,收錄在她1979的專輯《Blue Kentucky Girl》中。1980,Lynn Anderson ( 其最知名的代表作為1970的《Rose Garden》) 翻唱此曲,並以歌名作為其專輯的名稱。接下來的翻唱者有Johnny Cash & Waylon Jennings。另有趣的是,寫歌者Rodney Crowell自己也在1993翻唱   (
Johnny Cash則曾是Rodney Crowell的岳父 )

Johnny Cash ( 右 ) & Waylon Jennings

Rodney Crowell ( 1950年生 ),共有5首冠軍歌曲,神奇的是,竟然全部都是他1988的專輯《Diamonds & Dirt》中的歌曲。另,他在1990和2014各得到了一座葛萊美獎。

1993的電影《Even Cowgirls Get The Blues》( 台譯:藍調牛仔妹 ),係依據1976的同名小說改編,由美國女演員Uma Thurman ( 鄔瑪‧舒曼 ) 主演。

影音畫面中右方穿紅衣坐著彈吉他的即為寫歌者Rodney Crowell

She's a rounder I can tell you that
She can sing 'em all night, too
She'll raise hell about the slep she lost
But even cowgirls get the blues

Especially cowgirls, they're the gypsy kind
And need their laid on 'em loose
She's lived to see the world turned upside down
Hitchin' rides out of the blues

But even cowgirls get the blues sometimes
Bound to don't know what to do sometimes
Get this feelin' like she's too far gone
The only way she's ever been

Lonely nights are out there on the road
Motel ceiling stares you down
There must be safer ways to pay your dues
But even cowgirls get the blues

Even cowgirls get the blues sometime
Bound to don't know what to do sometimes
Get this feelin' like she's too far gone
The only way she's ever been

Even cowgirls get the blues sometime
Bound to don't know what to do sometimes
Get this feelin' like the restless wind
The only way she's ever been

台長: 流浪阿狗
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