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老歌亂談(593)Free Me

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此首《Free Me》為英國搖滾樂團Uriah Heep在1977所發行專輯《Innocent Victim》中的歌曲,雖然此專輯在英、美兩國均未入榜,卻由於單曲《Free Me》在紐西蘭排行榜拿下了冠軍,連帶使得專輯在德國大賣,並在世界各地的銷售量超過了百萬張,也是Uriah Heep創團以來最為成功的專輯。

Uriah Heep於1969成軍,除了主奏吉他手外,其他的成員都是來來去去的。此曲主唱John Lowton的造型和台風看來頗酷 ( 唱的也很不錯 ),而他在團中也不過只待了3年 ( 1976─1979 ),該樂團迄今仍有演唱表演活動。


Uriah Heep ( 尤那依希普 ):源出於英國作家狄更斯的小說「David Copperfield」--- 又名「塊肉餘生記」中的人物,是位陰險虛偽的小職員。

Free me
Free me
Why don't you free me
Free me from your spell
Come on and free me
Why don't you free me
Come on and free me
Free me from your spell.

Why should I worry that you might not love
you're not
The only love that I've ever had.
Your sweet memory will always comfort me
So why should I be feeling sad
As far as I can tell
You knew so well
I was always at the end of the line
I've loved you as much
As any man can
But not enough to make you mine
So long easy rider
I know I'll miss you for a while
But sooner or later
I know that I'll forget you

And I tell your baby

Free me
Come on and free me
. . .

We let a good love die.
We let it pass us by
Through you tried to keep me hanging on
But with all this doubt
It'll never work out
So tomorrow I'll be travelling on
And saying so long easy rider
I know I'll miss you for a while
But sooner or later
I know that I'll forget you

Free me
oh yeah
Come on and free me
Why don't you free me
Free me from your spell
Oh yeah
Come on and free me
Why don't you free me
Free me from your spell
Free me
Oh bab' come on and free me
Free me . . .

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(594)Let the Little Girl Dance
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(592)I've Been Loving You Too Long

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